Are we the Cows?

Are we?

This regards my comment upon Ryan Robbins, aka UFO Jesus’s YouTube channel, Post Disclosure World, video “David Grusch Speaks: Unpacking Key Quotes from New Documentary!” 6 Oct 2023.

As I responded to Mr. Robbins astute observations these Non-Human Intelligences or NHIs are “a mixed bag” of “dark with light…just like humans.” We may be generous and compassionate, but we also kill and eat sweet ol’ cows for food. Yes? Are we malevolent or benevolent for killing cows to chop and grind them up for food? No, not really, altho the cows may think so! Perhaps at least some of those Alien species are the same way?

His references to cows, humans, and “lower sentient species” reminded me of the brilliant journalist and researcher Linda Moulton Howe’s trailblazing work on animal mutilations, primarily those of tens of thousands of cattle and horses. There are cases of other animals as well, including a few of us humans.  Continue reading

UFOs & Windmills: A True Spoof

Orbs! Flying Round Things! Gigantic Windmills! Interdimensional Spaceships! Time Tunnel Funnels! Galloping Extraterrestrial Kangaroos! But no cuddling with cuttlefish wearing 3-D glasses!


Pulled off the freeway & recorded me some UFOs, yo!

Stormy weather, a filled-up bladder, and mischievousness combined to spew out UFOs like bubblelicious tic-tac UAPs from a bubble-making machine going all barmy swarmy at a little kid’s birthday party. Been a busy three days for me. Helped my middle daughter move in and out of winter storms from Seattle and Pullman up and over to Spokane for school. I like Spokane. Small city in the center of Eastern Washington close to the Idaho border where you can see the sky and hear the wind.

Bought her a snow shovel, too. After goodbye hugs & I-love-yous, I’d left in the early afternoon for Seattle. It’s a long haul across a wild mix of Palouse Country and the Channeled Scablands before climbing back up into those Cascade Mountain passes. Big storms been blasting those peaks. But I had to pee, y’all, cuz, hey, I’m a well-hydrated man! After all my favorite two beverages are plain water and black coffee. So I pulled off I-90 into the Ryegrass Safety Rest Area West Bound, just east of Olmstead Place Historical State Park & then Ellensburg, and west of Vantage & the Columbia River Gorge. Woo HOO, I saw all KINDS of delightful oddities!

Whoa! Lookit! Video of flying orbs and Unidentified Flying Objects reclassified as Unformed Aerial Patterns. This is a real video without any thing faked or hoaxed. It is simply me the author recording an overhead parking lot lamp at a freeway rest stop in the center of Washington State. What you see is the light from the lamp post, 3 UFOs as a smartfone camera lens flare, and me quivering & shimmering the camera as I grinned like hell.

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