Are we the Cows?

Are we?

This regards my comment upon Ryan Robbins, aka UFO Jesus’s YouTube channel, Post Disclosure World, video “David Grusch Speaks: Unpacking Key Quotes from New Documentary!” 6 Oct 2023.

As I responded to Mr. Robbins astute observations these Non-Human Intelligences or NHIs are “a mixed bag” of “dark with light…just like humans.” We may be generous and compassionate, but we also kill and eat sweet ol’ cows for food. Yes? Are we malevolent or benevolent for killing cows to chop and grind them up for food? No, not really, altho the cows may think so! Perhaps at least some of those Alien species are the same way?

His references to cows, humans, and “lower sentient species” reminded me of the brilliant journalist and researcher Linda Moulton Howe’s trailblazing work on animal mutilations, primarily those of tens of thousands of cattle and horses. There are cases of other animals as well, including a few of us humans. 

Ryan Robbins is one of the most passionate and energetic ufologists of our current time. He excels at articulating complex perspectives and analyses for the general public in regards to the vexing and controversial topics of UFOs and UAPs. The man has a knack for literary enunciation and emotional speech. He digs up facts and addresses any lack of facts. Mr. Robbins is a force to reckon with as he zeroes in with critical discernment of data and stories. He is a master of distilling and syncretizing from the aggregation of information. Sometimes, at the end, he whips out a simple wooden flute, which he announces as his Disclosure Flute, and plays a contemplative little tune. 

Occasionally I comment on his videos, for I value his contributions, and sometimes even jokingly challenge him to go blow on a Trumpet of Jericho instead. Go blow down those divisive walls of secrecy and power! Below is one comment he recently inspired me to make, and, hey, it wasn’t and isn’t about music: 

Dude, it’s great to be so aware of differences in sentience between living organisms, and, AND, are we the cows? Also, instead of focusing on the human coverups of NHIs, I want to know why these nonhuman species hide from us? Why are they so damn covert? So covert they send us little bipedal biobots instead? They’re obviously very engaged with us to the point it’s clear we aren’t the equivalent of ants & bees. So, again, are we their cows? Yeah, I’ma LOLling alright, sure, AND we humans need to know.

Are we cows?

Still waiting for answers, someone, anybody.

Meanwhile, anyone want a hamburger? Or, as Americans began saying back in the early, early 20th Century long before the arrival of The Simpsons, “Don’t have a cow!” Somebody needs to go flip out and go have a damn cow over these enigmas. Yes? Yes, LOL!

And, again…are we the cows?


William Dudley Bass
22:58 Friday 6 October 2023
Monday 6 November 2023
Shoreline/Seattle, Washington

Website Channel:
Post Disclosure World, “David Grusch Speaks: Unpacking Key Quotes from New Documentary,” YouTube, October 2023,


Copyright © 2023 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved by the Author & his Descendants until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship over and for our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.

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