Orbs, Ball Lightning, and Cows

High Strangeness in the Skies too close to the Ground

Soon after men working on my Dad’s farm swore they saw two “flying saucer” UFOs with colored lights zoom between the two silos attached to the outside of the cowbarn, ball lightning knocked down all the cows. At least we think those orbs were ball lightning, but we weren’t completely certain. These events occurred on Riverview Dairy Farm near the village of Rice in Prince Edward County where we lived in the rolling Piedmont region of Virginia. 

This was sometime during the mid-1970s. My brother Joe and I played with the three Vernon brothers and the two Moore brothers. Their fathers worked the local dairy farms milking cows, fixing machinery, and throwing hay. Recently we thought we had seen a flying saucer UFO while out exploring in the woods one evening. The more we studied the machine and its light patterns high in the sky, however, we realized it was a common, small airplane viewed upon the steep angle of the land as we climbed out of a steep gully into the field. One can read about that incident in my article here, “The UFO that wasn’t.”

Apparently the farmers, hardened men not incline to make up nonsensical stories, saw two small UFOs. They were described as little flying saucers, silver or aluminum-colored, with a ring of colored lights around the outer rim of their discs. The saucers flew over the farm from the south somewhere. Then they turned quickly on a hard right turn and shot thru the narrow gap between the two silos over the high, tin roof of the cowbarn. Those two machines behaved as if they were performing, indeed, as one man declared, “showing off.” Once thru, both accelerated and vanished. They were so fast it wasn’t clear if they disappeared because they flew on out of view or winked out of visible existence. Was daytime and the sky was clear with a few clouds.  Continue reading

The UFO that wasn’t

Sometimes a strange, unidentified flying object can be correctly identified as human with patience … & be distinguished from non-human anomalous objects

We saw a UFO whose appearance and movements stopped us in our tracks. Our little gang stopped in the bushes on the edge of a cornfield to look up past the trees into the sky. An object flew overhead, too slow for an airplane at first, with lights appearing to revolve around it as around the rim of a flying saucer.

Our small group of neighborhood teens were out in the fields and woods exploring and hunting one autumn evening. Was already dark as shortening days slid into lengthening nights. It’s been many decades now, but it was me and two sets of brothers. The two Moore brothers whose father worked on my family’s farm and who lived down in what was back then called the Work House or the Tenant House. The two Vernon brothers accompanied us. They lived nearby over on one of the Gates’s farms where their dad worked for the Gates family network. I don’t think my then-little brother Joe was with us. Often he would be as all 6 of us played together. It was late after dark, however, and our mama was the kind of momma who made sure her little bitties were in bed on time.

The time period was during the mid-1970s. Must’ve been anytime from mid-October to mid-November as the fall colors have already come and gone, and while the air was chilly it wasn’t yet damp and freezing cold. The location was my family’s working dairy farm out in the rolling hills and wooded gullies and ravines of the Virginia Piedmont. Riverview Dairy Farm, as we called it, was in Prince Edward County partway between the town of Farmville and the village of Rice. Little Sandy River and Sandy River flowed thru and around our woods and fields. Those streams flowed into the larger Appomattox River, which in turn flowed into the mighty James. We were in Southside Virginia, the rural counties and small towns that sprawled south of the James River into the upper North Carolina countryside.

The Cold War raged in its own bizarre way as global superpowers threatened each other and the world with thermonuclear annihilation while millions died in their proxy hot wars. Waves of mass UFO sightings, called flaps, swept around the planet. Strange, spooky claims of alien abductions, encounters with beings both enlightened and malevolent, and claims of flying saucer crashes with denials from those in power churned in the background.

My family’s encounter a decade earlier with a gigantic metal sphere over the field behind our house was still fodder for conversation. Wasn’t that long ago an actual saucer-shaped mystery craft was spotted zigzagging at high speeds over the main cow barn on our farm before it tacked out of sight. I missed that particular one. There was also a thunderstorm incident in which swirling orbs that behaved as if alive, conscious, and intelligent zoomed along the electrical wires going in and out of the cow barn and knocked cows down in the process. We assumed these orbs were ball lightning, and they acted differently from what we learned how ball lightning usually performed. It was a ferocious summer thunderstorm, too, with lots of thunder and lightning and torrential downpours, and I saw those particular orbs outside the barn. The cow was down on the ground in the pouring rain. An orb or ball lightning or whatever those things were had touched her and disappeared as it did so. Still don’t know what those glowing plasma things were. So we were abuzz and hyperalert with a sort UFOmania. Continue reading

What did I see at the door?

A simple thing becomes an eerie mystery

Was it her? A ghost? What kind of apparition was this? Or was it merely some form of psychological projection from within the mysteries of the mind? Or a projection from her via an unconscious spooky action at a distance entangling time lines and quantum places? Perhaps simply mental errors in the interpretations of what my bodymind perceived amidst reflections of lights on glass conflated with old memories? Doubt is indeed corrosive.

Strode out of the elevator thru the lobby towards the double-doors of the entry to the apartment complex where I lived. My long-time friend Syd was coming over to visit me and my wife Faithlyn this Wednesday evening on the last day of January 2024. Entered the lobby looking down at the floor as I stepped over the boundary between elevator and the lobby floor. Don’t trust those two to be even. Seen too many movies of bad things happening with elevators and elevator shafts. 

Looked up and there she was, standing on the other side of the glass. Syd wore a white rain coat, one I’ve seen here wear many times before. Her longish blonde hair was out and down to her shoulders. The rainwater, glass, and lights slightly distorted her face, as if it was somewhat folded in as she looked back at me. I smiled, looked down to check my clothes, then grunted as I pushed open the glass doors to the lobby to open the outside doors for her. She wasn’t there. What? Confused and perplexed, I pushed open the door and stepped outside. Maybe she had to scoot back to the car? Except there wasn’t anyone there. Whoa…there was not a single human visible anywhere along the sidewalk or walking up to a quarter of a mile away. The only people I saw were off in a few cars and trucks or still back inside the lobby. That was so weird. Our texts indicated she was near so I quickly went down to greet her. Then got a text something urgent came up – she was still at work, I learned later – and would be a half an hour late. She did not already come and leave. Continue reading

UFOs & Windmills: A True Spoof

Orbs! Flying Round Things! Gigantic Windmills! Interdimensional Spaceships! Time Tunnel Funnels! Galloping Extraterrestrial Kangaroos! But no cuddling with cuttlefish wearing 3-D glasses!


Pulled off the freeway & recorded me some UFOs, yo!

Stormy weather, a filled-up bladder, and mischievousness combined to spew out UFOs like bubblelicious tic-tac UAPs from a bubble-making machine going all barmy swarmy at a little kid’s birthday party. Been a busy three days for me. Helped my middle daughter move in and out of winter storms from Seattle and Pullman up and over to Spokane for school. I like Spokane. Small city in the center of Eastern Washington close to the Idaho border where you can see the sky and hear the wind.

Bought her a snow shovel, too. After goodbye hugs & I-love-yous, I’d left in the early afternoon for Seattle. It’s a long haul across a wild mix of Palouse Country and the Channeled Scablands before climbing back up into those Cascade Mountain passes. Big storms been blasting those peaks. But I had to pee, y’all, cuz, hey, I’m a well-hydrated man! After all my favorite two beverages are plain water and black coffee. So I pulled off I-90 into the Ryegrass Safety Rest Area West Bound, just east of Olmstead Place Historical State Park & then Ellensburg, and west of Vantage & the Columbia River Gorge. Woo HOO, I saw all KINDS of delightful oddities!

Whoa! Lookit! Video of flying orbs and Unidentified Flying Objects reclassified as Unformed Aerial Patterns. This is a real video without any thing faked or hoaxed. It is simply me the author recording an overhead parking lot lamp at a freeway rest stop in the center of Washington State. What you see is the light from the lamp post, 3 UFOs as a smartfone camera lens flare, and me quivering & shimmering the camera as I grinned like hell.

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Full Disclosure and World Democracy Now!

View of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean with tip of Africa visible. Composite NASA image from the Scientific Visualization Studio for the International Polar Year 2005.

View of Antarctica from low orbit if the ice cap was removed. Created with Bedmap2 by the British Antarctic Survey with NASA’s ICESat and Operation IceBridge, 2013.

We live in the midst of a time of transition. Now is a time of final endings and new beginnings. We live during a time of great volatility, destruction, and fear, yet also one vibrant with dynamic and revolutionary possibilities.

Together we experience what seems to be the ending of the Modern Age as global capitalism breaks down, nation-states grow increasingly obsolete, Earth’s sixth Mass Extinction unfolds, technology races ahead, nuclear warfare returns to threaten all of us with obliteration, A.I. emerges in disturbing new ways, and global climate disruption accelerates. New energy sources and technologies begin to emerge as the old dinosaurs of coal and oil still roar.

Marx, Engels, Trotsky, and others are being rediscovered upon the centenary of the Russian Revolution as more information is uncovered to discover what actually occurred and not the slander and falsehoods portrayed as “history.” Socialism continues to evolve in the 21st Century as it integrates more with democracy and uncouples from authoritarianism. Newer, greener versions emerge such as Democratic Socialism, the expansion of democracy into all areas of life. The Left is in a process of rebirth and renewal even as its advocates are challenged not only by the rise of newly-confident and violent fascists but also by the grim realities of life in despotic, self-proclaimed “socialist” regimes such as Venezuela and North Korea who blame all of their woes on capitalist imperialists. Yet the Fascists and their authoritarian, nationalist allies are the ones currently in ascendance.

Both the Right and the Left have reached the limitations of isms rooted in the terminologies of 18th and 19th Century language so even dead giants polished off and reclaimed such as Marx soon end up abandoned by a world enthralled with the euphoria of our technonarcissism. At the same time our scientists discover more and more stars with more and more planets likely to support life. In the midst of such turmoil Humanity experiences more UFO and ET phenomena than ever before.

Growing numbers of whistleblowers dare come forward to disclose what they claim to know. These people include not only everyday folks, but top scientists and engineers, astronauts and pilots, military officers and intelligence agents, corporate CEOs, and high government officials. Most are credible people in their own right regardless if one agrees or disagrees with their individual politics and religions. Their testimonies and who they are can be verified. More and more experiencers are also coming forth, however, who appear believable, even charismatic, but who are not credible or verifiable. Many of our fellow Humans who risk all for the truth face ridicule, harassment, loss of jobs, dismissal, threats to families, and in some cases what appears to be murder disguised as suicides or accidents. Those who seek truth without leveraging critical thinking skills risk finding answers within the circular reasoning of cults. Or they struggle to free themselves from the groupthink of our societies at large.

Yet incredibly the mainstream mass media behaves as if these “UFO people” are stupid and insane. Mainstream academia, beholden to bureaucratic tyrants and the financial reins of their corporate overlords, remains too terrified and astonishingly ignorant to address these challenging subjects. Thus the people who most need to pull their heads up out of their smartfoneholes won’t even look at these life-changing issues. They will instead debunk these matters even when confronted with clear evidence governments deliberately created and engaged in debunking and smear campaigns during the height of the Cold War to distract the public from the enormity of the truth.

It is vital we human beings continue to awaken from old patterns of self-destruction to build new political and economic systems. We can do better than the horrors we visit upon each other and ourselves. We must ascend our current and prehistoric limitations.

We must support the establishment of a Constitutional, Democratic World Republic.

Creating a Democratic Socialist World Parliament with all representatives subject to recall in a participatory republic is a primary step in this direction.

We must find ways to wrest control of the world’s money powers away from central banking cartels, corporations, big banks, tax regimes, and energy conglomerates.

Demanding Full Disclosure now is imperative. We the People of Earth must know exactly what in the world is going on. Now!

What must we do now? Continue reading