Existence: Questions of Consciousness and Soul to Answer

An Inquiry in need of answers to unhinge our doors of interpretation

Assume the following is true:

Consciousness exists beyond the body.

The body of work in regards to common anomalies such as near-death experiences, after-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, astral travel, shamanic journeys, psychedelic openings, and cases of reincarnation is as vast as it is deep. These included numerous documented events, cases of research, experiential knowledge, anecdotal accounts, and historical recordings seemingly at odds with the current limitations of science. The mystical and spiritual aspects of many of these events also transcend the limitations of religion.

We humans have many opinions of these matters. Many humans are quick to object to each other’s views and take offense in regards to such things. Both our history, our archaeology, and our current affairs demonstrate we humans are all too quick to kill others as well as die for our myriad and opposing belief systems. All demonstrate the oxymoronic qualities of being “common anomalies.”

Without evidence that is tangible and measurable, then all we have left are not facts but the competing truths of quarreling opinions and other belief systems all made up in our human minds by our brains. Yet by allowing ourselves to acknowledge what is intangible and nonreductionist, indeed immeasurable, we open to novel and transformative understandings of ourselves and the world we abide within. Such newfound presence and clarity may allow us to see hidden mathematical formulas.

Therefore many questions remain for us to answer. Among them are:

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UFOs & Windmills: A True Spoof

Orbs! Flying Round Things! Gigantic Windmills! Interdimensional Spaceships! Time Tunnel Funnels! Galloping Extraterrestrial Kangaroos! But no cuddling with cuttlefish wearing 3-D glasses!


Pulled off the freeway & recorded me some UFOs, yo!

Stormy weather, a filled-up bladder, and mischievousness combined to spew out UFOs like bubblelicious tic-tac UAPs from a bubble-making machine going all barmy swarmy at a little kid’s birthday party. Been a busy three days for me. Helped my middle daughter move in and out of winter storms from Seattle and Pullman up and over to Spokane for school. I like Spokane. Small city in the center of Eastern Washington close to the Idaho border where you can see the sky and hear the wind.

Bought her a snow shovel, too. After goodbye hugs & I-love-yous, I’d left in the early afternoon for Seattle. It’s a long haul across a wild mix of Palouse Country and the Channeled Scablands before climbing back up into those Cascade Mountain passes. Big storms been blasting those peaks. But I had to pee, y’all, cuz, hey, I’m a well-hydrated man! After all my favorite two beverages are plain water and black coffee. So I pulled off I-90 into the Ryegrass Safety Rest Area West Bound, just east of Olmstead Place Historical State Park & then Ellensburg, and west of Vantage & the Columbia River Gorge. Woo HOO, I saw all KINDS of delightful oddities!

Whoa! Lookit! Video of flying orbs and Unidentified Flying Objects reclassified as Unformed Aerial Patterns. This is a real video without any thing faked or hoaxed. It is simply me the author recording an overhead parking lot lamp at a freeway rest stop in the center of Washington State. What you see is the light from the lamp post, 3 UFOs as a smartfone camera lens flare, and me quivering & shimmering the camera as I grinned like hell.

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The Little Girl on the Floor

A little girl playing on the floor of the store melted my heart and opened my mind. In doing so she tilted the fabric of spacetime as one would water pour from a pitcher into a drinking glass. Doorways of mind and heart closed momentarily and yet holographically appeared as a line of portals between parallel universes. My timeline felt bifurcated. Both lines vanished into the future as quickly as turning the water tap in the kitchen sink on then off. All drains still lead to the same underground pipe. All was done inadvertently from her end, however, such was her power on those around her. She was one of the most adorable little toddlers I’ve ever been fortunate with whom to engage. This child was not only incredibly cute, but she also demonstrated a degree of presence unusual for any human being. Usually I’m one to shy away from the young children of others. This little girl with shaggy blonde hair, however, reeled me in with her playful curiosity, intense focus, and ability to seemingly anticipate adult commands.

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