UFOs & Windmills: A True Spoof

Orbs! Flying Round Things! Gigantic Windmills! Interdimensional Spaceships! Time Tunnel Funnels! Galloping Extraterrestrial Kangaroos! But no cuddling with cuttlefish wearing 3-D glasses!


Pulled off the freeway & recorded me some UFOs, yo!

Stormy weather, a filled-up bladder, and mischievousness combined to spew out UFOs like bubblelicious tic-tac UAPs from a bubble-making machine going all barmy swarmy at a little kid’s birthday party. Been a busy three days for me. Helped my middle daughter move in and out of winter storms from Seattle and Pullman up and over to Spokane for school. I like Spokane. Small city in the center of Eastern Washington close to the Idaho border where you can see the sky and hear the wind.

Bought her a snow shovel, too. After goodbye hugs & I-love-yous, I’d left in the early afternoon for Seattle. It’s a long haul across a wild mix of Palouse Country and the Channeled Scablands before climbing back up into those Cascade Mountain passes. Big storms been blasting those peaks. But I had to pee, y’all, cuz, hey, I’m a well-hydrated man! After all my favorite two beverages are plain water and black coffee. So I pulled off I-90 into the Ryegrass Safety Rest Area West Bound, just east of Olmstead Place Historical State Park & then Ellensburg, and west of Vantage & the Columbia River Gorge. Woo HOO, I saw all KINDS of delightful oddities!

Whoa! Lookit! Video of flying orbs and Unidentified Flying Objects reclassified as Unformed Aerial Patterns. This is a real video without any thing faked or hoaxed. It is simply me the author recording an overhead parking lot lamp at a freeway rest stop in the center of Washington State. What you see is the light from the lamp post, 3 UFOs as a smartfone camera lens flare, and me quivering & shimmering the camera as I grinned like hell.

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