UFOs & Windmills: A True Spoof

Orbs! Flying Round Things! Gigantic Windmills! Interdimensional Spaceships! Time Tunnel Funnels! Galloping Extraterrestrial Kangaroos! But no cuddling with cuttlefish wearing 3-D glasses!


Pulled off the freeway & recorded me some UFOs, yo!

Stormy weather, a filled-up bladder, and mischievousness combined to spew out UFOs like bubblelicious tic-tac UAPs from a bubble-making machine going all barmy swarmy at a little kid’s birthday party. Been a busy three days for me. Helped my middle daughter move in and out of winter storms from Seattle and Pullman up and over to Spokane for school. I like Spokane. Small city in the center of Eastern Washington close to the Idaho border where you can see the sky and hear the wind.

Bought her a snow shovel, too. After goodbye hugs & I-love-yous, I’d left in the early afternoon for Seattle. It’s a long haul across a wild mix of Palouse Country and the Channeled Scablands before climbing back up into those Cascade Mountain passes. Big storms been blasting those peaks. But I had to pee, y’all, cuz, hey, I’m a well-hydrated man! After all my favorite two beverages are plain water and black coffee. So I pulled off I-90 into the Ryegrass Safety Rest Area West Bound, just east of Olmstead Place Historical State Park & then Ellensburg, and west of Vantage & the Columbia River Gorge. Woo HOO, I saw all KINDS of delightful oddities!

Whoa! Lookit! Video of flying orbs and Unidentified Flying Objects reclassified as Unformed Aerial Patterns. This is a real video without any thing faked or hoaxed. It is simply me the author recording an overhead parking lot lamp at a freeway rest stop in the center of Washington State. What you see is the light from the lamp post, 3 UFOs as a smartfone camera lens flare, and me quivering & shimmering the camera as I grinned like hell.


Gravity bends time as well as space. Altho many argue gravity does not bend time only space as gravity slows down time instead. If spacetime and timespace is some kind of fabric yet within the realities of Terran human languages both bend. The metaphor of a heavy, round stone sunk into a bedsheet, bending things around it in the process, does not really address reality, does it? For there really isn’t any up or down nor top or bottom in actual space, is there? Instead of sinking into some vast bedsheet, stars and planets are wrapped within bedsheets and the mass of each material object presses out to sink into the fabric of space in all directions as gravity pulls matter inwards towards each singularity of core, yes?

We don’t know with certainty no matter how many formulas, themselves chains of symbols perceived by our limited biological senses and whose formulaic reactions and responses are interpreted by our minds. An American physicist and atheist named Dr. Viktor J. Stenger once pointed out there are no laws of physics out there in the universe. Such things exist only in our minds as we make up stuff in our determined efforts to make sense of the world around us and within. Ethnobotanist and psychedelic shaman Terence McKenna liked to point out nothing exists without language and everything existing does so within language.

Show me a rock without language. Describe any rock on both classical and quantum levels without language. Even mathematics are forms of language. So is art. Any kind of symbolism conveys meaning. And so what is a UFO? What allows for materialistic spacecraft, spiritual entities, plasma beings, transchronol-interdimensional intelligences, mythic illusions, tricks of mind, and biological organisms to all be variation of the same mystery? Here in my videos, however, are UFOs for you to  behold. Each one is a true spoof.

Time travel? Hmn. Dark matter. Dark energy. Anomalous mysteries the mainstream flees from in befuddled arrogance. And oh, yeah, how bout those aliens amongst us? Are they fooling us? Maybe we need to look on the other side of the mirror on the dark side of backward.

Video of phenomena observed in the motion of spacetime warped by gravity…oh, lookit! See those Marfa Lights type orbs zooming over the hills? Yup! Oh…uh oh…well, shoot, they’re just motor vehicle headlights! Oh, whirling ships on stilts…frikken Don Quixote tilting into the twilight skies like Trump & Iran…so Cervantesiany! And then…popular poison…how Corporate Capitalism conquered the world with addictive, toxic drinks glamour-washed as “sparkling, refreshing, cola sodas!” seemingly locked up behind bars.


Yes, these viddies are spoofy doofees, OK. This is the strange part, however: I have experienced UFOS. My whole nuclear family of origin had a significant UFO encounter with a large, metallic sphere hovering still over our Virginia dairy farm back in the mid-1960s. Whatever it was zoomed away, zipped thru a 90-degree turn to shoot straight up and vanish. Missing time was involved, and, eventually, the County Sheriff and later the FBI.

Many years later, my blended family had another encounter along with another group including a pilot atop a mountain in Western Washington one day in July 2011. We witnessed an enormous flying saucer plunge downwards as if to crash into the ground only to morph instantaneously into an orb before winking out.

Saw another one, an odd, stubby-cigar shaped machine, move over Seattle in a too-slow-yet-too-fast manner in January 2012. Saw a morphing saucer-triangle metallic craft soar across Seattle and wink out of existence in September of 2015.

I’ve also seen spinning top-shaped machines with glowing lights in the Virginia countryside and observed ball lightning floating along high-voltage lines and float inside the cowbarn during a thunderstorm on my parents’ farm. A Cold War explosion of strange, colored lights high up in the evening sky terrified our rural Virginia neighborhood. There was a Sasquatch incident in the same area another year in which fences and trees along the property lines between two different family farms were torn up as if by giant wild animals.

Furthermore, in addition to those events, Gwen Hughes, my wife at the time, and I saw the Marfa lights in October 1990. These were the real Marfa lights, too, orbs way down yonder in Deep South Texas. Skeptics say those orbs are really car lights as vehicles pop up over a hill and swing down the road, or maybe they’re earthquake plasma lights. No, these were orbs larger than basketballs appearing out in the desert flats and moving hither and thither both solo and in clusters while at the same time trucks and cars with bright headlights drove around and down nearby hills on the ramp-like road on the right-handed side as we gazed southwards. So we could tell the difference. The distinctions were clear to us during those moments. And there isn’t much at all in the way of earthquakes out there on the edge of Big Bend Country.

So, hell yeah, I’ve seen some things not easily explain. Hey, you go and try to shave with Occam’s Razor. Another metaphor made up in minds obsessed with so-called “common sense” interpretations of the uncommon.

Sometimes it’s just the wind.


Got back on the freeway, stopped again in Ellensburg to refuel both minivan and body, battled thru a blizzard in the mountains, and dropped off stuff from my middle child at both of my Seattle ex-wives’ homes. Goodness, one lives at the southern edge of our long, skinny city, and the other in the north end. Crazy times, aye, and I love them all. Life is messy, so let us enjoy these lives we choose to live. In the meantime, watch the skies above, the oceans below, and the mind within.


William Dudley Bass
Thursday 9 January 2020
Friday 17 January 2020
Seattle, Washington


Copyright © 2020 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved by the Author & his Descendants until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship over and for our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.


One thought on “UFOs & Windmills: A True Spoof

  1. Pingback: Orbs, Ball Lightning, and Cows | William Dudley Bass on Earth at the Brink

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