What did I see at the door?

A simple thing becomes an eerie mystery

Was it her? A ghost? What kind of apparition was this? Or was it merely some form of psychological projection from within the mysteries of the mind? Or a projection from her via an unconscious spooky action at a distance entangling time lines and quantum places? Perhaps simply mental errors in the interpretations of what my bodymind perceived amidst reflections of lights on glass conflated with old memories? Doubt is indeed corrosive.

Strode out of the elevator thru the lobby towards the double-doors of the entry to the apartment complex where I lived. My long-time friend Syd was coming over to visit me and my wife Faithlyn this Wednesday evening on the last day of January 2024. Entered the lobby looking down at the floor as I stepped over the boundary between elevator and the lobby floor. Don’t trust those two to be even. Seen too many movies of bad things happening with elevators and elevator shafts. 

Looked up and there she was, standing on the other side of the glass. Syd wore a white rain coat, one I’ve seen here wear many times before. Her longish blonde hair was out and down to her shoulders. The rainwater, glass, and lights slightly distorted her face, as if it was somewhat folded in as she looked back at me. I smiled, looked down to check my clothes, then grunted as I pushed open the glass doors to the lobby to open the outside doors for her. She wasn’t there. What? Confused and perplexed, I pushed open the door and stepped outside. Maybe she had to scoot back to the car? Except there wasn’t anyone there. Whoa…there was not a single human visible anywhere along the sidewalk or walking up to a quarter of a mile away. The only people I saw were off in a few cars and trucks or still back inside the lobby. That was so weird. Our texts indicated she was near so I quickly went down to greet her. Then got a text something urgent came up – she was still at work, I learned later – and would be a half an hour late. She did not already come and leave. Continue reading

Atomic Mushroom Clouds at One in the Morning

Sun of Godzilla

Staggered downstairs into the kitchen for a bite to eat, and thru the windows saw a strange, orange yellow red glow growing swiftly on the horizon. Forgot all about nom nom nomming on a post-midnight snack. Felt confused. Fear came alive as I watched the weird glow expand into a raw, giant, golden, Godzilla cloud.

Big windows looked west from the great, long hill in North Seattle called Phinney Ridge. I currently abide there within an old, dilapidated house built over a century ago. Shared it with two other single, divorced guys, too, plus two elderly brothers down below in the daylight basement. From an old, grandma kitchen we could look west over the top of Ballard across the Salish Sea into the Olympic Mountains. The United States of America maintained one of the world’s largest stockpiles of thermonuclear weapons right in the guts of Cascadia just over there across the water from Seattle.

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