UFOs/UAPs and Airplanes over Seattle during the Aurora Borealis

A midnight ride to see the Northern Lights so far south here outside Seattle revealed unexpected anomalies in the skies overhead. Were they airplanes? Stars? Or were they Alien UFOs/UAPs?

The Aurora Borealis as seen from the top bluffs of Richmond Beach Saltwater Park, Shoreline, WA, Saturday 11 May 2024 @ 12:14:07.

The Sun had erupted in a spectacular storm. Two massive solar flares burst forth from our star’s surface, a X5.8 class followed by an X1.5 along with two M9s. X’s are the most powerful of three categories of such storms, the other two being M Class, for moderate, and C for the smallest. Coronal mass ejections of plasma, or CMEs, often accompany such sunspot activity. This resulted in a G5 level geomagnetic storm, the most powerful on a scale up from G1. Various authorities issued warnings of possible interruptions of our electrical power grid including our various communications networks. They also predicted people may see the Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights, around the world and as far south as the middle and southern belts of the United States.

Had arrived home from work around 22:00 on the night of Friday 10 May, and had to work the next day. I’ve heard these claims before: a massive solar eruption/solar storm/solar flares/coronal mass ejections or CMEs was or were in progress…our electric-power based global civilization was at risk as power grids could collapse…telecommunications, satellites, the internet, yadda yadda piñata … and, by the way, remember the Carrington Event of September 1859! And we may be able to see the Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis, way down south. And then nothing would happen. Couldn’t see anything. So I had gone to bed and was about to fall asleep when my ex-wife Kristina, out at Seattle’s Matthews Beach Park on Lake Washington, and my buddy Edan, up on rural Whidbey Island, texted a whole group of us startling fotos of shimmering curtains and feathery rays of magenta and emerald lights undulating across the night skies.  Continue reading

What keeps 21st Century Humans from Accepting UFOs/UAPs Exist?

Oh gosh, how much more dumb and stupid can smart, educated humans get?

What drives otherwise intelligent people to refuse to even consider UFOs and NHIs are real? Boggles the mind, doesn’t it? That so many human beings refuse to even consider the reality of UFOs, UAPs, ETs/IDs, and NHIs?

Such denial and accompanying ridicule persists despite all of the evidence, the whistleblowers, the witnesses, the experiencers, the records, and the artifacts from even before the Second World War. It is the same type of mindset that called Pagan folk healers and midwives “witches” and burnt them at the stake. It’s the same mentality that condemned scientists such as Galileo and Copernicus as heretics. Fear is used as a tool and has often been the case. It is, however, the alleged covert aggregation and maintenance of power that appear to drive those in the so-called UFO secrecy groups to extreme measures beyond patriotism and national security to shield, control, and profit from their positions.

Another reason for governmental and corporate transparency is not to reveal details of a true, ongoing national security situation but to acknowledge the global reality of non-human “Alien” existence, the nature of it, the cover-up of it, the inability of Earth human governments to stop Alien/NHI incursions and abductions, and so forth. We need a Federal level of open forgiveness with mechanisms for increased transparency, truth telling, disclosure of discoveries and their coverups, immunity from prosecution, and also reconciliation. This can be extended throughout the United Nations Organization as well. Those who participated in murder and torture, however, must be held accountable.

What do these labels even mean anymore? UFO still stands for Unidentified Flying Objects, which is what they were called for decades. “Flying saucers” was the original term to describe these alien machines, but many were in the shape of pyramids, cubes, triangles, cylinders, cigars, orbs, tic-tacs, discs, giant toy tops, and many other shapes. Some even changed shape, would divide or partition into multiple craft, and merge back into one. Only one of the several UFOs I’ve encountered, the one a group of us witnessed from the top of Mt. Erie, Washington, was shaped like the typical rotating flying saucer before it blinked out of visible existence. Unfortunately, however, the term UFO has become associated with ridicule and career-destroying nonsense.

There’s also the term USO for Unidentified Submersible Objects that “flew” underwater as well as thru the air. So the US government invented the term UAP as a serious term for serious studies of serious mysteries. UAP now stands for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena as these mysteries exhibited transmedium capabilities, i.e. moving thru space, the atmosphere, underwater, and if some claims can be believed, even thru solid rock. Yes, some even claim such craft move or phase thru the lithosphere itself. The “A” in UAP did briefly stand for “Aerial,” and that was quickly supplanted by the broader range covered by “Anomalous.” Point is, we need transparency with protection for those courageous enough to come forward so we can know what is true and what’s false.

NHIs = Non-human intelligences. NHI is an insider term new to the public, especially thanks to the recent revelations of David Grusch. Grusch is a decorated US combat veteran who also served many years in Air Force intelligence and in the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency who came forth at great cost to his career to fight corruption, retaliation, and to tell the American public the truth.

What, however, are NHIs? Possibilities include AI (artificial intelligences and robotic machinery), extraterrestrial beings (ETs), extradimensional and interdimensional beings (EDs and IDs), and/or cryptoterrestrials (CTs, secretive NHIs either native to Earth or originally from beyond Earth but who immigrated here long ago). Alleged numbers of “Alien” species range from 20-30 to several hundred. Another possibility is these “Visitors,” as some call them, are transtemporal, i.e. time travelers. Not necessarily humans and/or post-humans from our future, but also those of other species able to traverse time as well as space.

Then there’s also the possibility of UTs or Ultraterrestrials, entities with their machines that exhibit paranormal, even supernatural abilities and may include what humans consider mythological deities from gods and goddesses to angels and demons to elves and vampires. Such boggles the mind. Personally, I am skeptical of these craft being of demonic or even angelic in origin for why would such entities need machine craft? I’m with Captain Kirk in 1989’s Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, when he asks a vast alien entity, “What does God need with a starship?”

Again, we must have transparency on these matters. NHI, by the way, does not include non-human test animals sent up into space back in the early days of human rocketry. Dogs, chimpanzees, and rats are intelligent animals, of course, and they are not designing, building, and piloting UAPs.

When you dump all of this atop people rooted either in current, everyday science and/or religion, no wonder they feel overwhelmed and reject outright “such crazy nonsense.” Paradigm shifts break down and world or cosmic views collapse before the mind and heart can embrace change and transformation. Disclosure is already a slow-moving process, and sometimes it takes a while for people to digest and integrate new information. Low-key confirmation is far likely to occur, what some refer to as “soft disclosure.” Such has been going on for awhile, especially since late 2017 with the release of tic-tac UAP videos and the concurrent emergence of the Admiral Wilson/Dr. Davis memos. Continue reading

Cosmic Cockroaches and UFOs

Are we the REAL Bugs?

Ah, the Fermi Paradox! The Dark Forest! Or Paper Clips and Gray Goo? Or mass death by climate collapse, existential pandemics, omnicidal nuclear armageddon, and AI with robots? No wonder Aliens don’t want anything to do with us. We’re constantly fighting with each other, dirtying our own home, and we carry lots of germs! Continue reading

Then What? UFOs, Consciousness, and the Afterlife

A Conundrum of Brief Inquiries

What follows below are my remarks in the Comment section on YouTube. They’re in response to UFO researcher & Cold War historian Richard Dolan’s interview on The Richard Dolan Show with Alan Stivelman, a filmmaker from Argentina, about the UFO and controversial Shamanic and spiritual experiences of Juan Perez back in 1978. This film involved the research of UFO researcher Jacques Vallee, someone who came to view UFO phenomenon as more to do with the mysteries of consciousness and the spiritual, metaphysical aspects of reality than with nuts and bolts space craft piloted by biological organisms or their machines arriving here from other planets and times. Juan Perez himself is a hunter and gaucho from a remote, rural region of Argentina who had a traumatic and transformative experience with UFOs and ETs more shamanic and psychospiritual than material and tangible. Stivelman’s documentary film about Perez’s experiences along with the research Jacques Vallee and the insights of indigenous Shamanism, Witness of Another World, is expected to be released worldwide in seven more days.

My brief inquiries from the Comment section, revised from one long paragraph into shorter ones for ease of reading, are as follows:

Consider there may be multiple origins and explanations for what we may call ETs, EDs/IDs, CTs, Afterlife beings & spiritual entities, et cetera, etc. Seems we humans are so quick to lump everything into one category or its opposite when life is messy. 

Could be some of these UFOs and associated entities are intelligent animals &/or machines or some new category of life & technology altogether from other planets & moons. Perhaps some are from other dimensions & timelines inaccessible to us at the moment in ours. Could be manifestations of what we call “spiritual.” Perhaps what we call the soul or our spirits, words from our various religious and mystical traditions, are but forms of consciousness we don’t yet understand…consciousness within and beyond ourselves, beyond our living human bodies. Maybe these entities in the so-called Afterlife are but manifestations of consciousness we don’t understand because we can’t measure & reduce them down into neuropsychological biochemistry.

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The UFO Conundrum

*This first appeared as the category header for. “UFO Events, History, & Analysis as far back as 2011. This continued to evolve until becoming an essay in its own right. Thus it’s been edited and republished here. Thank you for reading, and enjoy the mystery.*

UFOs exist. What are they? What did people experience? Why the odd mix of cover-ups, disclosures, harassment, ridicule, and staged hoaxes? For what reasons are cases with clear and compelling evidence buried or ridiculed by the media? Similarly, what are the reasons credible witnesses including those with meticulous documentation are ignored and dismissed? Why the extreme hostility and violence toward an issue of great planetary significance? What are the reasons few regard these frequent intrusions into our human realms as issues of national and global security? After all, don’t we humans, we Earthlings, we Terrans, in a sense, own Planet Earth and the Moon? We certainly do not dominate our own worlds with these strange objects freely moving in and out of our space, air, water, and land as they please.

What effects are so-called whistleblowers having upon UFO communities and Disclosure narratives with their amazing yet unverifiable stories? How will the growing pushback by evidenced-based researchers, activists, and those whistleblowers who verify their claims impact our larger socio-cultural narrative as a global species? Is there a distinction between witnesses and experiencers? The so-called insider experiencers tell stories so fantastical they blot out the more mundane descriptions by people such as myself and my family.

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The SSP & Blue Avian Trademark Issue and the Bigger Picture: My Take

Trademarks, ideally, should be abolished, all copyrights replaced with Creative Commons, and patents reduced to public acknowledgments of those who created the product. These are all idealistic woulda-coulda-shoulda-oughta-bees, unfortunately, for our capitalist system compels such division, profiteering, withholding, deceit, exploitation, and thievery by those with the resources to command. Specifically those efforts by Corey Goode and his attorneys to trademark SSP (Secret Space Program) and Blue Avians, among others, are unwise, ill-founded, divisive, and just plain wrong. Drop the TMs!!! Please. Yes, you all seem to be at heart good people, and being good people doesn’t make you or anyone else right on this trademark hoopla pookla.

The most important aspect is the originators, designers, and builders are recognized, acknowledged, and even celebrated as such. They all belong to the creative commons of our planetary and solarian commons. Yes, solarian, as our species is already well on its way, our way, to explore our solar system. There are already plans to mine asteroids, build settlements on Luna and Mars, visit Titan, and send more probes to other worlds around Sol. All as Voyager exits our Sol System.

The larger question is what and how do we make a living in an economic system based upon capitalism and debt slavery? We lack a 21st Century economic system balancing individual liberties and social responsibilities or even know what such would look like thru the haze of our mutually conflicting opinions. How may such a new system function, especially as people keep doing what people do?

Capitalism has provided many opportunities, allowing entrepreneurs and small businesses to flourish, compete, and even cooperate. This system, however, i.e. the mix of codified and unspoken relationships between people and people, people and products and services, and people and consensual concepts of money, has gone too far. Many feel our system is broken beyond repair. Efforts to reform our fractured system have not always worked and even seem to accelerate the rise of fascist movements to strong-arm capitalism in a more authoritarian, nationalist, and racist direction.

Systems are not always all good or all bad, and they change over time. The numbers of humans and even other living things who benefit increase greatly in the beginning then decline as those who secured the top echelons of power for themselves place more and more barriers out of greed and fear. This isn’t the place to delve further into this morass, however, especially as people continue to argue for the future based on 18th and 19th Century isms. Those terms are emotional trigger words these days. They are no longer relevant except in a historical context, yet we seem unable to see beyond such labels.

We must understand, however, this global chaos, whether one perceives it as a Marxist analyzing the “anarchy of the markets” or a Finance Capitalist agreeing with the proto-fascist Trump as he declares, “We function very well in chaos,” allows for more and more people to manipulate, abuse, and exploit both laws and loopholes in the laws. Such are these efforts to scoop up and hoard trademarks in arcane or obscure areas while the rest of us are distracted by the mainstream news and putting food on the table while juggling debts. The UFO community has been further riven by animosities unheard of even a decade ago.
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