The UFO Conundrum

*This first appeared as the category header for. “UFO Events, History, & Analysis as far back as 2011. This continued to evolve until becoming an essay in its own right. Thus it’s been edited and republished here. Thank you for reading, and enjoy the mystery.*

UFOs exist. What are they? What did people experience? Why the odd mix of cover-ups, disclosures, harassment, ridicule, and staged hoaxes? For what reasons are cases with clear and compelling evidence buried or ridiculed by the media? Similarly, what are the reasons credible witnesses including those with meticulous documentation are ignored and dismissed? Why the extreme hostility and violence toward an issue of great planetary significance? What are the reasons few regard these frequent intrusions into our human realms as issues of national and global security? After all, don’t we humans, we Earthlings, we Terrans, in a sense, own Planet Earth and the Moon? We certainly do not dominate our own worlds with these strange objects freely moving in and out of our space, air, water, and land as they please.

What effects are so-called whistleblowers having upon UFO communities and Disclosure narratives with their amazing yet unverifiable stories? How will the growing pushback by evidenced-based researchers, activists, and those whistleblowers who verify their claims impact our larger socio-cultural narrative as a global species? Is there a distinction between witnesses and experiencers? The so-called insider experiencers tell stories so fantastical they blot out the more mundane descriptions by people such as myself and my family.

We observed UFOs in action and experienced effects associated with such phenomena. Our narrative gets lost along with many others in goofy jokes about “Ancient blue chickens from Outer Space.” The consequences include increased skepticism, ridicule, and even animosity. Genuine Disclosure efforts are ignored and further Disclosure is hampered.

What are the multiple forces and groups involved in UAPs/UAVs, UFOs, USOs, ETs/EDs/CTs, SSPs, and related paranormal experiences, and what are their agendas and sources of funding? What of lawsuits to either shut people up or to reclaim damages from being shut up? What of the religious, spiritual, mythological, and, yes, even magickal aspects of some of these supposedly nuts-and-bolts events? As there seem to be too many multiplying craft to swarm in from other stars, are they somehow hidden from us in our 3D midst right here on Earth or somehow next to us? Is the cover-up of those matters really all about economic and political power and the control of energy? Who’s who, and what’s their why? What’s really going on? What, exactly, is in control?

If the narrative of the Blue Avians is all nonsensical bunkaroohoo, then why do these entities seem to be well represented in Ancient and Medieval art? Or in Modern comic books and pulp sci-fi fiction produced decades ago? Perhaps those old creations of the creative imagination are the source for today’s fantastical “blue space chickens?” Or do multiple narratives exist here where fiction buries the truth there? And what do you think? And feel? Where do you stand? After we finish talking about anything, what do we stand for? Do we even share the same definitions? Or want to believe we do?

What roles do both consciousness and deception play in generating perceptions of consensual reality? How grounded are our belief systems when a belief lacks any tangible evidence yet functions as a psychological linchpin holding webs of tales together? What’s your confirmation bias as we crawl around in warrens of rabbit holes? What happens when we crawl back out of the rabbit hole and step away from metaphors? How does one respond to plain-spoken people who confuse powerful adjectives and other colorful descriptions with exaggerations and falsehoods? Can we distinguish clear distinctions from muddled thinking and circular mindsets? Are we courageous enough to be unreasonable with our reason?

Claims without evidence are simply nothing but stories, yes? Well, I am unable to prove my descriptions of the UFOs my folks and I experienced, and those events absolutely occurred even if we didn’t understand them then. We still don’t know what they were. Yet we must have evidence, yes? I was not, however, trying to prove anything back then during or immediately after experiencing those events. I did, however, and I still do research and learn what I am able to learn so as to better understand what occurred. Remember, too, what materialistic, reductionist scientists declare as evidence is not at all the same as what courts, certainly Western courts, consider and uphold as legally valid evidence in courts of law.

Furthermore, as witnesses, scholars, experiencers, or hobby researchers, what of our relationships and communities? The truth, whatever we determine the truth or truths to be, means nothing without our communities. As one of my college history professors emphasized long ago, “What really happened is not as important as what people believed to have happened.” Dr. Simms’s perspective enlightened us with an overarching respect for fact-based truth. He drove home how vital for us to know what really happened decades before the time of “fake news.”

For the record, I did not ever report any UFO sighting and related experiences to any authorities whether government, corporate, or to any NGO such as MUFON and NUFORC. My tendency is to not ever do so as I do not trust such said authorities even tho many good and credible people work for them. Too much talk of disinformation agents and spies for the secrecy groups burrowed into these public groups disturb me. I’ve shared about these events in various degrees including in some forums but never in the detail described here. My parents reported the metallic spherical UFO over our family farm to our local county sheriff’s office. So did many other folks out in the Virginia countryside. Less than two decades later the FBI took my father aside, and everything in my family changed. They changed in odd ways. Some changes were subtle and others dramatic.

Also, for the record, I have not ever submitted a FOIA request as of yet. Nor have I fabricated stories and presented them as truth. Just not at all how I roll. Such acts are out of integrity with my ethics to begin with. If I discover I am in error and presented information that turned out to be false, I own it. I deal with the consequences, clean up the mess, write or speak of it as appropriate, and move forward. Sometimes I’ll change my mind, too. When confronted with facts and evidence of truth, I usually change my mind quickly with little or no hesitation. I recognize emotional attachments to belief systems, so I practice letting go of attachments. I recognize all belief systems are ultimately made up in our minds and anchored in our emotional bodies. Working to excavate and liberate one’s self from such messes is, well, work. Life is messy, and so is death. 

Life goes on for the living, however, and these mysteries affecting our individual health as well as our national and planetary security remain publicly unresolved, undisclosed, and even ridiculed. Nevertheless all of us still have much work to do. More and more people are coming forward to disclose old secrets. More and more are sharing their experiences. More and more of us dare to stand up for Disclosure. Yes, we are, too! So come on, folks, sit and rest a bit, sure, and then let’s go! Prepare yourselves to let go of cherished beliefs, open your heart, and change your mind.


William Dudley Bass
Wednesday 17 July 2019
*Earlier versions of this as a category or section heading go back as far as 2011.
Seattle, Washington


Copyright © 2019 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved by the Author & his Descendants until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship over and for our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.


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