The UFO Conundrum

*This first appeared as the category header for. “UFO Events, History, & Analysis as far back as 2011. This continued to evolve until becoming an essay in its own right. Thus it’s been edited and republished here. Thank you for reading, and enjoy the mystery.*

UFOs exist. What are they? What did people experience? Why the odd mix of cover-ups, disclosures, harassment, ridicule, and staged hoaxes? For what reasons are cases with clear and compelling evidence buried or ridiculed by the media? Similarly, what are the reasons credible witnesses including those with meticulous documentation are ignored and dismissed? Why the extreme hostility and violence toward an issue of great planetary significance? What are the reasons few regard these frequent intrusions into our human realms as issues of national and global security? After all, don’t we humans, we Earthlings, we Terrans, in a sense, own Planet Earth and the Moon? We certainly do not dominate our own worlds with these strange objects freely moving in and out of our space, air, water, and land as they please.

What effects are so-called whistleblowers having upon UFO communities and Disclosure narratives with their amazing yet unverifiable stories? How will the growing pushback by evidenced-based researchers, activists, and those whistleblowers who verify their claims impact our larger socio-cultural narrative as a global species? Is there a distinction between witnesses and experiencers? The so-called insider experiencers tell stories so fantastical they blot out the more mundane descriptions by people such as myself and my family.

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