Cosmic Cockroaches and UFOs

Are we the REAL Bugs?

Ah, the Fermi Paradox! The Dark Forest! Or Paper Clips and Gray Goo? Or mass death by climate collapse, existential pandemics, omnicidal nuclear armageddon, and AI with robots? No wonder Aliens don’t want anything to do with us. We’re constantly fighting with each other, dirtying our own home, and we carry lots of germs!

Seriously, tho, War of the Worlds scenarios aside, a number of humans who allege to be in the know claim various kinds of galactic federations and space empires do indeed exist. Indeed, General Haim Eshed, the man who received the Israeli Security Award three times and served as the head of Israel’s space security directorate for nearly three decades before retiring, disclosed the Aliens’ existence. Stop and get it: he was the chief of Space Security…for Israel. He’s known for his high degree of integrity and authenticity. The former general does not mess around. Now a university professor, Eshed declared he can disclose now because he has nothing left to lose, but if he’d did this years ago he would’ve been labeled “crazy” and “hospitalized.”  A Galactic Federation does exist, Eshed claims, and its members claim Earth isn’t ready as Humans would panic.

It doesn’t matter there’s nowhere to run and hide even underground, beneath the sea, or up on the Moon or Mars. Many Humans are gonna freak out and run, dart, scurry like bugs, and fight each other. Or dash out into the streets with arms held up and open to worship intelligent biological organisms from other worlds as divine beings of some sort. Sounds as if our minds may be too fragile to handle the truth? Naw, c’mon, ETs, bring it on and make us wild for what we wish for: the truth. Turn science, religion, politics, energy, and the economy upside down and inside out. 

We first, however, need planetwide peace and unity. Humanity on Sol 3 (our Earth) are not at all ready to join or even contact en masse as we still have not achieved world peace and global unification. Our species continues to engage in endless warfare. Beyond wars we engage in violence of kinds from domestic violence to beating children to abusing the elderly to shooting and stabbing and bombing each other in our streets, homes, schools, medical clinics, and places of worship. Our civilization relies on polluting fossil fuels and too much plastic. We yo-yo between abundant wealth and prosperity on one hand and relentless poverty and economic collapse on the other. Why waste their time on us? We’re still toddlers stuck in perpetual tantrums yet armed with weapons of mass destruction. Yes, maybe we are the real bugs here. Perhaps we are the cosmic cockroaches of the Milky Way. Or is thinking such merely more self-flattery?


William Dudley Bass
Tuesday 20 December 2022
Monday 24 July 2023
Seattle/Shoreline, WA

Sources for the claims of General Haim Eshed and the hysterical reactions to them including ignorant ridicule:

Mann, Hugh. “There is No Secret Underground Base on Mars,” SLATE, December 2020,

Reich, Aaron. “Former Israeli space security chief says aliens exist, humanity not ready,” The Jerusalem Post, December 2020,

Suliman, Adela and Paul Goldman. “Former Israeli space security says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump hows about it,” NBC News, December 2020,

Wright, Chris. “The very real story of how UFOs shaped Middle East culture,” Wired Magazine, January 2023,


Copyright © 2023 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved by the Author & his Descendants until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship over and for our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.

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