Baked Potatoes Faithlyn Style

Love in the Kitchen upon the Eve of a Wedding

Frigidaire! Looks like a 30 inch, 5-Element Freestanding Electric Range in Stainless Steel with a Self-Cleaning Oven.

“Our stove is weird,” my dear fiancé Sweetchickens likes to say. “Every stove is different. This one requires different settings than other stoves.”

“Well, won’t this be in a YouTube video?” I ask. “About hot love in the kitchen with hot potatoes? Y’know, taters and lusty romance?”



“This is what you do, Sweetie.”

And she proceeded to tell me with the precision of a teacher for special needs children, which she has been for a dozen or so years.

0. Line baking tray w aluminum foil. Place tray back into oven to get hot.

“Haut!” I blurt out. “Haut! Hoit! Hahhht!”

“Don’t say that. It’s hot!” Faithlyn declares. Her eyebrows arch and twist.

“OK,” I agree.

1. 1500 turn on oven to 350°F

2. Hit bake button & go up to 350 to warm up oven

3. Wash taters in cold water, dry, & punch holes top bottom & each side.

4. Rub in olive oil (& sea salt for Faithlyn)

5. 15:30 – place taters atop aluminum foil lining the tray in the oven.

6. Preheat light comes off is time to place in taters

“Oh shoot, WAIT! Sweetchickens, isn’t the tray already in the oven?”

“No, Sweetie, they’re just waiting to be put in, silly. When the preheat light goes off, then you put the tray with the potatoes inside the oven on the preadjusted rack.”

“Oh, Ok. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. This is what you do next, OK?”

8. Bake for 1 hr 15 mins.

9. Prestorama! Taters be ready to eat when Faithlyn gets home from work, woo HOO hooty HOO hoo!!!

I love her, my fiancé. We’ll be married before the end of this month. Faithlyn sighs sometimes, and she is very patient with my profound Hard-of-Hearing issues, my ADHD, and other assorted learning disabilities complex. After all, she has her own cluster of challenges and teaches children with similar challenges. And she knows I prefer the 24-hour clock of World Time as I dislike the confusion of those AM/PM thangs.

“Sent from my iPhone.” Yuppers, an iPhone resides much of the day either in my hand or in my pocket, LOL!


William Dudley Bass
Monday 17 July 2023
Tuesday 25 July 2023
Shoreline/Seattle, WA

Copyright © 2023 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved by the Author & his Descendants until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship over and for our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.



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