UFOs/UAPs and Airplanes over Seattle during the Aurora Borealis

A midnight ride to see the Northern Lights so far south here outside Seattle revealed unexpected anomalies in the skies overhead. Were they airplanes? Stars? Or were they Alien UFOs/UAPs?

The Aurora Borealis as seen from the top bluffs of Richmond Beach Saltwater Park, Shoreline, WA, Saturday 11 May 2024 @ 12:14:07.

The Sun had erupted in a spectacular storm. Two massive solar flares burst forth from our star’s surface, a X5.8 class followed by an X1.5 along with two M9s. X’s are the most powerful of three categories of such storms, the other two being M Class, for moderate, and C for the smallest. Coronal mass ejections of plasma, or CMEs, often accompany such sunspot activity. This resulted in a G5 level geomagnetic storm, the most powerful on a scale up from G1. Various authorities issued warnings of possible interruptions of our electrical power grid including our various communications networks. They also predicted people may see the Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights, around the world and as far south as the middle and southern belts of the United States.

Had arrived home from work around 22:00 on the night of Friday 10 May, and had to work the next day. I’ve heard these claims before: a massive solar eruption/solar storm/solar flares/coronal mass ejections or CMEs was or were in progress…our electric-power based global civilization was at risk as power grids could collapse…telecommunications, satellites, the internet, yadda yadda piñata … and, by the way, remember the Carrington Event of September 1859! And we may be able to see the Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis, way down south. And then nothing would happen. Couldn’t see anything. So I had gone to bed and was about to fall asleep when my ex-wife Kristina, out at Seattle’s Matthews Beach Park on Lake Washington, and my buddy Edan, up on rural Whidbey Island, texted a whole group of us startling fotos of shimmering curtains and feathery rays of magenta and emerald lights undulating across the night skies. 

Wow! Not going to miss this! So rolled out of bed, got dressed, tried to wake up my sleeping wife Faithlyn, who woke up, sat up in bed all confused, then toppled over back into the bed in her heavy sleep. She was exhausted anyway. Said goodbye altho she couldn’t hear, and drove on up to Richmond Beach Park in Shoreline, WA. The clock showed the time was just after midnight, so early Saturday morning. Crowds of fellow humans were already gathered there. Parked my Subaru Forester down the street a bit, and walked back. And started shooting pictures and videos. It was amazing! Was only the third time in my 65 years I’ve seen the Northern Lights, and they shimmied across the entire night sky.

The Big Dipper in Ursa Major.

The Northern Lights began to fade away, 12:23:27.


The Northern Lights over Richmond Beach, Shoreline, 12:24:23.

I deliberately shot a short video of an airplane blinking away as it droned across the sky. Imagine what the people aboard could see as they flew thru the Northern Lights! I shot the video, however, to demonstrate what such an airplane flying at night would look like. My intention was to demonstrate how one could easily mistakenly identify such an everyday, human flying machine as an Alien spacecraft from elsewhere. Had recently posted an article, “The UFO that wasn’t.” It described what it was like for a few childhood friends and me to see a cluster of strange, revolving, colored lights high up in the night sky. At first we wondered if it was an Alien spaceship. Eventually we determined it was an airplane, a human machine, flying overhead that longago night in Virginia. Airplanes have large, blinking lights on their wingtips and tail. Sometimes, especially if the plane is viewed from certain angles, the pattern of flashing lights may create an optical illusion whereas the plane appears to be a rotating, saucer-shaped disc with lights on an outer rim. But it’s still an airplane. Here’s the video below. You may have to click on a link to access the media file:


[Video 1: An airplane moves across night skies. This image was enlarged during recording. In the center far picture left, on the left edge of the video, is another blinking light, also most likely from a second airplane much further away. Video was shot at about 12:25 on Saturday 11 May 2024 and is 0:09 in length.]

Took more fotos and videos of the Aurora Borealis. Upon reviewing them later, however, I noticed in one video two UAPs, Unidentified Anomalous Objects. I did not see them earlier during live action while filming the Aurora. Whoa! A common theme in many of today’s videos is the number of UAPs people notice in their images while focused on recording something else. Much of the time no one could even see or make out any strange, unidentified objects in the sky.

A number of these mysteries, however, proved to be explainable as lens glare, out of focused flying insects or even birds, drones, satellites, airplanes, helicopters, bats, flying squirrels, frisbees, dinner plates painted in glowing colors, or whatever else stupidly clever hoaxer debunkers hop on and ridicule. Other reasons for not seeing them could be the objects were visible only in certain frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum, as in infrared light, or were cloaked with stealth technology. But bugs, birds, and balloons wouldn’t be cloaked, yes? It is a common phenomena, however, for objects to be visible upon being recorded with today/s cameras that were not visible to the unaided eye. After all, the reason fotos of the Northern Lights appear far more brilliant by camera is people’s digital cameras are more sensitive than human eyes. As such those cameras can pick up far more electromagnetic action than we can see. Visible light is just part of the spectrum of radiation there.

Click to access the video of the two mystery objects:


[Video 2] Unidentified Anomalies! Cut and enlarged, filmed at about 12:18 on Saturday 11 May 2024, and is 0:13 in length. At 0:04 the first UAP drops down from the top, then speeds up to glide back up and off to the side. The second UAP slides out from the left edge of the frame as 0:04 becomes 0:05. It zooms across the frame in a low dip or arc. Both appear to speed up towards the end of their separate visible arcs. Notice they appear on the edge of the Aurora Borealis, not in it.

It is clear those two objects are not rockets, airplanes, jetplanes, drones, balloons, birds, insects, lens glare, helicopters, or satellites. They didn’t seem like any human-made craft. They were not human spaceships nor were they VFX, SFX, or CGI. It’s clear these objects appear to be up in our atmosphere or possibly space and not on land or on or in water.

These objects lacked any obvious means of propulsion. There are not any flight surfaces apparent, at least from a distance. They don’t seem to emit any trails of smoke, fumes, heat, light, or plasma, and it was night. They did appear moving around up in the atmosphere over Puget Sound, part of the Salish Sea. Some of those intimately associated with The Phenomenon claim NHI UAPs tend to associate with bodies of water.

There two other possible explanations if they are not transmedium machines built and operated by advanced NHIs or Non-Human Intelligences. One is they are human-built and piloted craft as the products of successfully reverse-engineering programs of Alien technologies. The second is they are stars in the night sky, and the appearance of flying saucer-type blips is an illusion from me moving my camera across the sky. My camera is an iPhone, one of the new 15 Pro Maxes. It is a fantastic camera with three lenses, I use it in lieu of a heavier DLSR, but it still isn’t some big, professional-level film camera set upon a tripod.

Yes, I did move my iPhone up into the skies over Seattle and then moved across the sky from the south to the east. I tried to keep the movement smooth, and I was also distracted amidst the crowds of people and dogs bumping around. While I did sweep more or less in a straight line, but I also raised and lowered my smartphone a few times as I pivoted atop uneven ground. I was tired and sleepy and in awe.

So did me slowly sweeping my iPhone distort starlight twinkling thru Earth’s atmosphere allowed for the combination of camera movement, star light, atmospheric distortion, and geoelectromagnetic activity from an intense solar storm along with the biological limitations of our own bodymind create an optical illusion of UFOs scooting around in the heavens? Began to feel somewhat certain the answer is, “yes.” At the same time, however, I wasn’t completely sure. Now I think it’s a machine moving independently of stars.

During subsequent attempts to deliberately pan and dance my smartfone camera across the sky, I was able to capture what are clearly a flying insect, airplanes, stars, Luna, planets, and a bouncing around lens flare. There was some streaking of stars as I tried to whip the camera around, and whip it I did, much faster than what I did Friday night atop the bluffs of Richmond Beach. While I did get some stars to streak as if zooming across the image, none of them moved the way those two UAPs did in the video above. Even while carefully watching the video enlarged, those objects moved faster than I was moving. When I enlarged the image even further, the objects at one point looked more like a saucer-shaped object with a ring of bright white light all the way around the rim of the saucer. At one point the second object appears to eject a small exhaust cloud behind it as it shoots offscreen out of view. Each object appeared to be at various times to divided into three and then recombined. How much was camera movement combined with pareidolia?

Are such movements a digital artifact of some kind? Even on a high-speed digital camera? Also, the objects moved like stereotypical UFOs as both wobbled and skipped ever so slightly as they zoomed across the sky. I’m no expert at image discernment, not by any means. I use what’s in my Apple Photos on an iMac. No Adobe Photoshop just like no fancy big camera. 

The way the UAPs moved also reminded me of reports of strange plasma objects moving across the sky as if they were alive. I’ve witnessed four machine-like UFOs as well as several orbs. Two of those UFOs changed shape while moving and then vanished as if winked out of existence. One was a large sphere, an enormous, metallic sphere, not a plasma orb. Another was shaped in the form of a short, stubby metal cigar.

1. The second UAP as a possible flying saucer. Enlarged still capture from the earlier video.

2. Same UAP now as 3 objects. Enlarged screen capture from video.

3. UAP merging back into one craft? Or an illusion? Is the faint blip on the rear (picture left) of the object propulsion exhaust of some kind?

Hungry and dissatisfied, I cropped and enlarged these three images yet again. Turned on the auto-enhancer. There is, however, only so much I’m able to do within Apple Photos. Below are the same three fotos further cropped and enlarged. Even more questions arise.

4. The 2nd UAP further enlarged with auto-enhanced turned on in Apple Photos. Here the object looks more like a glowing flying saucer.

5. The glowing flying saucer-looking UAP now seems to be three separate moving vessels. What’s the reason each ship, if that is indeed what the UAP is, would hive apart into threes for less than a second than merge back into … oneness? Or is it something else doing something different? Reports of UAPs dividing into multiple craft of the same or similar size then merging back into one craft the same size are fairly common in UFO lore. Such actions baffle us Earthy hominins.

6. Notice how the space immediately posterior of the UAP appears disturbed as if gases and plasmas are churning. Possible sign of propulsion?

What are those things? What do you think and feel about these mysteries?

Below are two test videos recorded in Seattle in the evening of 15 May 2024 while deliberately whipping the camera across the skies:


[Video 3: No UFOs here! Just the Moon, stars, planets, street lights, and a green blob of camera lens glare bobbing about.


[Video 3: No UFOs here either, just airplanes, a flying winged insect, stars, planets, the Moon, lens glare, and street lights.]

I wasn’t able to make the stars or anything else move faster than my camera moved as I moved it around. This, however, is not proof of anything, and it leads me to lean more towards the NHI interpretation rather than me simply moving my camera in a way causing everything to stretch out.

Here is the original, uncut, unedited video of those UAPs:


[4th & Final Video] The entire video, uncut, un-enlarged, and is 0:22 in length. Early Saturday morning on the 11th of May 2024.]

Thus, ultimately I do not know what I accidentally recorded that night while watching the Northern Lights. Someone far more skilled and equipped in video analysis than I am may be able to discern and better determine what is actually recorded in the video. Let me know what y’all think down in the comments. Thank you.


William Dudley Bass
Sunday 12 May 2024
Saturday 25 May 2024
Monday 27 May 2024
Shoreline/Seattle, WA

Notes on Images:

All fotos & videos were shot with my Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max. Videos are HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding or H.265) and HDR (High Dynamic Range Video or HDRV). They were stored and edited both on my iPhone and in Apple Photos on my new M3 iMac running macOS Sonoma 14.5 with a 24-inch screen.

Also see:

Bass, William Dudley. On Earth at the Brink: “The UFO that wasn’t,” https://williamdudleybass.com/the-ufo-that-wasnt.


Garofalo, Meredith. “The stormy sun erupts with its biggest solar flare yet from a massive sunspot – and it’s still crackling,” Space: News: The Sun, May 2024: https://www.space.com/sun-fires-off-massive-x-class-solar-flares-may-11-2024.

Spaceweather: News and information about the Sun-Earth environment: https://spaceweather.com.


Copyright © 2024 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved by the Author and his Descendants until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship over and for our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.

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