President Biden’s Inflection Point

Pay attention to what the American President … and the Chair of the Fed declared

Inflection Point with what’s next. On a rare, hand drawn graph…

“Good evening, my fellow Americans.  We’re facing an inflection point in history — one of those moments where the decisions we make today are going to determine the future for decades to come.” ~ from President Joe Biden’s Address to the Nation Thursday night on the 19th of October 2023.

“We’re facing an inflection point in history…”

Those words are significant. He’s preparing the world for war.

“That’s what I’d like to talk with you about tonight. “ Except he really did not further address the inflection point. Continue reading

Putin is Stupid and Dangerous

*Like many bullies are*

The former President of the USA, wannabe autocrat and racist protofascist Donald Trump was, thank God, profoundly incompetent and too slimy to do anything correctly. The dictator of the Russian Federation, however, and his cowardly, quivering, greedy followers are a fucking, stupid mafia of corrupt, incompetent despots. Fucking dumbasses, every single one of them! And as dangerous as rabid rats stuck in corners of blood, madness, and fear. Putin and his nasty siloviki, the Russian intelligence/surveillance-military/security komplex, have gutted Russia to facilitate their imperialist, fascist fantasies of Glorious Empire. 

How DARE they threaten the planet with nuclear weapons! How DARE they spout lies and distortions of Eurasian history as “historical truth!” Are they aware Muscovy was initially a backwater feudal principality that despite its grandiose title as a Grand Duchy was still a part of mighty Kievan Rus’? Do they know Muscovy was part of a loose confederation centered in what is today Ukraine? And all conquered by the Mongol Empire? With Muscovy being a vassal of the Mongols? That upon independence from the Mongols/Tartars was ruled by bloodthirsty butchers such as the deranged Ivan the Terrible? Have they considered why all empires dominated history with failure? So how dare Putin thinks he can do whatever he wants to do to build an empire before he dies in office?

Vladimir Putin the Invader has been corrupted and isolated by his quest for power and supremacy. He’s sat on the throne for too damn long and has become impatient, chaotic, confused, and frightened. Putin’s become as angry as a schoolyard bully after those he beats up sneak up behind him and quickly jerk his britches down to reveal such a little man. Not even Donolf Trumpler’s “very big, very large, and very, very, very powerful” hands could come to the rescue. And what the hell Old Trumpie’s little big hands gonna do with Old Pootie anyway, pet a cheeseburger in bed? Continue reading