What would the coming world war look like?

Postmodern Medieval Pandemonium with AI & Nukes

We often seemed trapped in the past regardless of how far we peer into the future. It’s part of human nature. We trust in what we know. Or, rather, we believe in what we think we know. So future world wars may be more kinetic than World Wars 1 and 2 with missiles, rockets, cyberattacks, killer robots, swarms of AI drones, economic strangulation, space combat, EMPs, and total mobilization of the nation by the state. Then as the losing side, or rather those who fear to be losing, grow desperate, they resort to messy chemical and biological weapons. At some point they unleash nuclear and thermonuclear weapons. The other side does the same almost simultaneously. Humanity and most life in Earth ends in a scared fury of omnicidal madness.

A future world war may resemble the European Wars of Religion more than the Second World War. Nation-state regimes lose their power and status as stateless-nations, religious groups, and ethnic tribes reassert themselves. In addition, other non-state actors such as terrorist groups, transnational corporations, mercenary groups, criminal gangs and cartels, and private militias continue to assert themselves. The Westphalian System of governance breaks down as a neo-feudal, neo-medievalist world with current technology rises into primacy. Instead of world government, even a democratic world republic, we get a hodgepodge of overlapping, quarreling jurisdictions waving many flags. Continue reading

President Biden’s Inflection Point

Pay attention to what the American President … and the Chair of the Fed declared

Inflection Point with what’s next. On a rare, hand drawn graph…

“Good evening, my fellow Americans.  We’re facing an inflection point in history — one of those moments where the decisions we make today are going to determine the future for decades to come.” ~ from President Joe Biden’s Address to the Nation Thursday night on the 19th of October 2023.

“We’re facing an inflection point in history…”

Those words are significant. He’s preparing the world for war.

“That’s what I’d like to talk with you about tonight. “ Except he really did not further address the inflection point. Continue reading

Tears for Years over Eons of Blood

Cry. Suffer. Violence. Cry all time. People suffer. No one cares. Just make money & go go go like a UFO!

Violence carves up the news. Violence renders history. Mutilates art. Destroys life. New wars break out as yet more bloody reruns of neverending dramas. Tears flow for years and years then dry up as deserts fill with sand and dust. Years of tears. The biggest desert, however, is the ocean, and it is full of salt.

Recently watched HBO dramas The Pacific and Band of Brothers on Netflix about American units in the Second World War. Was appalled by the savagery of high intensity combat. These shows captured the ultimate essence of violence, it’s banality and senseless destruction as well as how those contradict with the necessity for violence and survival. Grim. I felt the same watching the horrors of melee combat in films set in Ancient times such as The Gladiator and The Eagle. Felt the same grimness watching the Medieval combat within The Last Kingdom series, Braveheart, and shows set in the Crusades. First World War movies such as every version of All Quiet on the Western Front and 1917. There are amazing war films and shows set in Ancient and Medieval East Asia, in Africa, in the Americas, and many others whose titles jumble together in a carnage of memories set free with tears. The glory and the heroism itself brings tears as well as the horror of heroism.

Oh, the vastness of wars stretched out over time and place. Who remembers those where many hundreds and many thousands died in longago wars and battles so remote in the mind even history buffs must look them up? There are wars lost to history where not even the names and places are remembered. Often the tribes, cities, and civilizations of everyone and anyone who could and would are extinct. Continue reading