President Biden’s Inflection Point

Pay attention to what the American President … and the Chair of the Fed declared

Inflection Point with what’s next. On a rare, hand drawn graph…

“Good evening, my fellow Americans.  We’re facing an inflection point in history — one of those moments where the decisions we make today are going to determine the future for decades to come.” ~ from President Joe Biden’s Address to the Nation Thursday night on the 19th of October 2023.

“We’re facing an inflection point in history…”

Those words are significant. He’s preparing the world for war.

“That’s what I’d like to talk with you about tonight. “ Except he really did not further address the inflection point. Continue reading

Earth’s China – Taiwan Conundrum in a Planetary Perspective

Will these opposing sides step back from the brink?

What steps will we as a species take to peacefully unify Earth?

Isn’t national sovereignty a Twentieth Century anachronism as obsolete as the Divine Right of Kings?

Taiwan and its surrounding small islands constitute the last outpost of the Republic of China. This republic was declared on the 1st of January 1912 following the Revolution of 1911. The Revolution in turn set in motion a nearly continuous era of both internal and international warfare and massacres lasting well into the 1950s and later. 

After decades of civil war mixed with two world wars, the Communists proclaimed the People’s Republic of China on the 1st of October 1949. Although fighting still continued, the bulk of the civil war was considered over with the Communists victorious on the mainland. 

The Republic of China was declared over 38 and a half years before the People’s Republic of China was declared. Both republics still exist. It is ludicrous for the PRC in Beijing to declare Taiwan is a separatist region in rebellion against the central communist government. Are other nation-state regimes unable to see this fact? Most prefer to duck in fear or to focus on short-term financial profits. How in the world can the ROC, a national government existing nearly 40 years before another, the PRC, be considered in rebellion against the newer regime? Are not the Communists then the actual splittists engaged in separatism? They declared the civil war over in Red victory back in 1949, but wasn’t that premature? They conquered Hainan Island from ROC forces, invaded Tibet, and intervened in the Korean War all in the same year, 1950. They got pummeled in efforts to bombard and otherwise attack ROC forces on Taiwan and surrounding islands in battles and skirmishes that flared intermittently thru the 1950s into the mid-1990s. Meanwhile the PRC regime literally devoured the mainland as they sought to pacify their conquests, killing millions of fellow Chinese in the process. If anyone is in rebellion, isn’t it the revolutionary totalitarian dictatorship squatting astride the mainland in on-going revolt against the Nationalist forces held up in their island fortresses on Taiwan? Continue reading

DEFCON 5 or 4 over the Ukrainian Crisis?

A long-simmering crisis people have long shrugged off is quickly blowing up

One website in particular from among private citizens’ global military and intelligence sites held a debate on whether or not the DEFCON warning system should move from the current 5 to level 4. The majority argued persuasively in favor of maintaining the defense readiness system at 5 while a loud minority argued it should be raised to 4 even tho nothing has happened beyond localized, sporadic fighting in the Donbas, large-scale and threatening-appearing military maneuvers, which is one of the reasons countries engage in such behavior, petty name calling between the leaders, and doom porn by the few news media remotely aware of what’s happening. Another site, however, recently escalated to DEFCON 4 as military mobilizations far from Ukraine and saber-rattling has turned to repositioning doomsday weapons. What threat level is realistic here without getting caught up in alarmism or turn dismissive and in denial?  Continue reading