Solo Trek in Mt. Rainier National Park, August 2009

Solo exploration, lots of solitude and quiet, and, occasionally, people

A Foto Essay Adventure from Sunday 2 – Tuesday 4 August 2009

Self-portrait by the author up on Plummer Peak in the Tatoosh with Mt. Rainier (Ti’Swaq’) in the background with glimpses of Paradise, Monday the 3rd of August 2009.

This was one of the few times I traveled out solo while my wife, Kristina at the time, and the kids stayed home or engaged in other activities. Sometimes one needs to be alone. While I missed my family, I also valued these rare moments all to myself out in the vastness of Nature. Ambiverts such as myself often need time for one’s self as well as time in the midst of others. The presence of the Divine was everywhere every time I paid attention.

Selfy shot from just below the summit of Eagle Peak in the Tatoosh Range. Yup, that’s me, William Bass, early August 2009.

Squeezing between the early morning and noon crowd waves as I followed behind this SUV into the park at the famous Nisqually Entrance, Sunday 2 June 2009.

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