Surfing the Deep Blue Void

Stay on & surf it, woo HOO! Just remember all rides come to an end.

Today I feel alone and overwhelmed. I pace with anxiety. Yet when I step back and take a few deep breaths, when rumination becomes contemplation, suffering becomes the past. The flesh of my body, however, holds the pain of all my yesterdays. My mind seeks to leap ahead via quantum gravity loopholes it’s certain to untangle with the creative power of consciousness. Must be some technique of mind and machine to burst apart and push aside those illusions we behold as consensual reality. Or are such actions merely humdrum fantasies built up from staring impoverished into mists of silver drizzle from the windows of one hundred years plus of dilapidation?

Homeless humans and hungry raccoons compete for garbage. My 10 year old computer repairs remain incomplete. My 23 year old minivan has a host of electrical problems. The funds stolen from me and from my kids and last ex-wife remain out of reach, either spent or hidden offshore by those Ponzi-scheming embezzlers. I fret over my children. My close friends have all moved away. The Federal government remains gridlocked in temper tantrums. Local politics corrupt with set-righteous, ideological rigidity.

Yet the living live on. Life finds a way, she, and so does love. There is much to feel grateful for. Outside feels wet and damp and chilly, and neither too hot nor too cold. Instead of dust and ice, I see green and brown and more green still.


William Dudley Bass
Wednesday 9 January 2019
Saturday 31 August 2019
Seattle, Washington


Copyright © 2019 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved by the Author & his Descendants until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship over and for our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.


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