When liquid dissolves, does it harden?

Well, does it?

Profile shot of the activist author from a solo 2015 trek into the Glacier Peak Wilderness. Cropped for my User Profile shot for Alex’s Liquid Solidarity efforts.

“I use labels, & we aren’t our labels. I struggle w/ being & doing including being a stand for love, kindness, forgiveness, firmness, compassion, service, & courage in the face of rage, hate, injustice, tyranny, fear, greed, & shame. What is justice without judgment? I jump into rabbit holes thru The Big Picture.”

Those were my words for the User Profile I wrote for my activist colleague “Insomnialex,” who is a visionary I haven’t seen for several years.




William Dudley Bass
Monday 19 August 2019
Seattle, Washington

Sources y Resources:

“By and For Activists,” Home. Liquid Solidarity. http://liquidsolidarity.org/.

“William Dudley Bass, User Profile,” Liquid Solidarity. http://liquidsolidarity.org/user/william-dudley-bass.



Copyright © 2019 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved by the Author & his Descendants until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship over and for our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.


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