
At the End. Beautiful and impressive closure to a wonderful, much needed solo getaway. I’m surprised I didn’t take any fotos of the suspension bridge over the Ohanapecosh. It’s a little bit of backcountry engineering marvel. The Grove of the Patriarchs is on an island midstream, and the bridge is the safest way to cross over as fording is not recommended. As I write these words in June of 2024, I learned the bridge was washed out and destroyed by a great flood in November of 2021. There have been a number of such calamities in the national park there and across all Cascadia with increasing frequency with global climate disruption. The NPS claims new bridge replacement construction is to begin in 2027. There were and remain environmental concerns, skilled labor availability, and budgetary considerations to navigate. It’ll take time, and anything may occur before then. Meanwhile, back in 2009, I remember returning to our family’s white Dodge Caravan and driving back home to Seattle without incident. This journey was refreshing, much needed, without any injuries, and I felt good to be back home were I was loved.

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