What does it matter?

Do you know people who keep pointing out nothing truly matters in the big scheme of things? Because we all die anyway? Nothing really matters anyway whether or not one votes, demonstrates, takes action, even run for office or find other ways to serve others, yes? What does it matter what happens in government and in business and with our families when civilizations rise and fall anyway? Wars, peace, and pandemics ebb and flow, right? Religious and political belief systems come and go, OK? Things change all the time and then again they remain the same, yes? In the big scheme of things the entire universe, heck, the multiverse will eventually come to an end, so we’ve been told. Perhaps the Afterlife itself isn’t as infinite or as eternal as we’ve been taught? So what does anything matter, really? Perhaps some of these “enlightened” folks are dear friends and beloved family members.

Here’s a different perspective next time such cerebral people dismiss the value of voting for everchanging politicians or why concern one’s self with climate change, nuclear war, the AI singularity, giant asteroids, rapacious extraterrestrials, or prepping for disasters or marching in the streets to rally for a cause: It does matter. It matters. They all matter.

It certainly does matter!

It matters to me!

It matters to those who care. It, whatever the “it” happens to be in any given time and place, matters to those who are affected by what is or what isn’t happening. Matters of life and death matters. Matter matters. You matter!

If nothing matters then everything matters.

Having anything matter or not is a choice. Your choice. We can choose to prepare for disasters, for example, and certainly prepare up to a point. We can prepare our hearts, our minds, our spirits, our finances, our communities.

Practice compassion and forgiveness. Understand love. Know the power of empathy. Yes, everything is temporarily and fleeting in the big scheme of things and clinging to passing emotions, thoughts, and feelings is unhealthy. And, so what? So what? For in the now all matters. Everything matters in the now.

Stop turning away in your spiritual bypassing. Stop hiding out behind your political bypassing. Stop pretending with your financial bypassing. Stop hiding. Be aware. Take a stand. Open your hearts along with your minds. Frickin’ show up!

The world will end some day. Maybe tomorrow. Now, however, the present matters.


William Dudley Bass
Tuesday 18 January 2022
Seattle, WA

Copyright © 2022 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved by the Author & his Descendants until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship over and for our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.



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