Weird Dream on an August Night

Weird Erotic Dream with Pyramids & Cookies…and Crazy Superheroes

What a crazy ass dream! Once upon a long time ago somewhere in Outer Space I sat naked atop an indoor pyramid, an ancient pyramid evocative of the Mayas, with a long flight of stone steps laddering away below me. Weird, because I was aware of being 61 years along but felt and looked forty. Sat cross-legged facing an even older woman who sat naked under a ragged, carpet-like blanket. She was attractive in her older years and appeared as a horny Sacred Crone Witch Goddess. Her blanket, however, was rather hag-like. Haggish! She didn’t hunch beneath her haggy waggy blankie either but sat tall and poised. She stared into my eyes with a calm, clear gaze, then flicked them down between my legs. Uh-Oh! Looked down at a heavy, pulsing weight down below my belly and blushed. Here I am blushing naked atop an ancient stone pyramid inside a cavernous, futuristic temple. And, wow, this is embarrassing, but my genitals were enormous. Balls as big as those of a giant bull. Felt a bizarre blend of embarrassment and pride. A huge erect penis quivered between my thighs. All mine, apparently, and jiggle-bobbing with a bit of life of its own. My smaller head felt delirious with a certain hormonal urgency. We men are two-headed creatures, aren’t we? Looked as if I was in a ridiculous porn movie, too, but minus the mustache except everything felt spiritual and mystical and serious. Even stranger, however, I felt fierce desire not for her, the older woman who sat naked across from me and gazed upon me in silence, but for another. The other woman wasn’t there, didn’t see her, but I felt her absence. She was far, far away on a secret mission.

Dream was long with many twists and turns. Chaotic. Colorful. Erotic. Then very scary! Haven’t had an erotic dream in such a long time. I recall different portions but not all of it. I did not recognize a single person in this dream other than myself. Some characters were distortions of superheroes and actors in various movies and shows.

My cock trembled and trembled, and I was afraid one slight touch would make me explode with cum. Looked down and noticed a thick trail of clear pre-cum oozing forth and sliding down my huge shaft. God, I looked like a damn porn cartoon!

Then the other person showed up, a Xena/Herculean-type woman dressed in crazy elegant furs, back home from her mission out in the distant reaches of Outer Space. Furs from real animals turn me off, especially using them in our postmodern eras. But she preened in them. The old naked woman slowly pushed off her carpet blanket and vanished. I stood up. The stone summit plateau of the pyramid temple became the floor of the vast futuristic room it was in. The new woman, the one whose return I’d so look forward to, had no interest in my hard-on. She laughed after she heard my request to mate with her. 

Other people show up, including a version of Marvel‘s Incredible Hulk. Except this hulk kept turning rainbow colors especially red and green and had jagged black hair and was skinny wiry strong. He had a large green cookie. I took some of it and ate it. He got angry. Mad! Hulk SMASH mad! Wanted me to return his cookie. So I gave him what was left. He demanded ALL of it! Scared me! So I spat out what was in my mouth, a wet, crumbly mess, and plopped it into the rainbow-shifting palm of his monstrous hand. He grinned maliciously and demanded ALL OF IT BACK including what I had swallowed or he would tear me apart and dig into my bowels to get all of his cookie back. My mind went zero with terror. Then the giant changed his mind with a laugh. Twas a happy laugh for a mad, smash crazy Hulk. 

Suddenly I realized the old naked lady under the old blanket sitting across from me was Evanora Harkness, the Witch Crone mother of Marvel’s WandaVision’s character Agnes Harkness whom Agnes killed back in Colonial times. Watched too much TV? Well, it was the Pandemic! COVID-19! Plus I’m a huge Marvel fan, love the MCU, and am also a science fiction buff. But I don’t recall much sexual attraction for a bunch of old Witches. Besides, I used to be a real Witch, a Neo-Pagan Wiccan who practiced the Craft of the Wicca back when I was young, idealistic, and foolish creative hedonist all twisted up with Protestant Yankee Puritan – Southern Baptist/Presbyterian cultural indoctrination. Wiccans have little patience with ignorant mainstream depictions of Wiccans and other Neo-Pagans as blood-drinking, Satan-worshipping black magicians. I’ve long left all organized religions behind, tho, upon the ash heap of history, the history of belief systems all made up in our minds and presented as Divine Truth. Didn’t recognize the fur-clad woman who returned from Outer Space either, except she was supposed to be some sort of superhero. Don’t know who she was. 

Weird dream, huh? What in this world between realms does it mean? Sure hope it doesn’t foretell my future. Sure don’t wanna get into a fight with an enraged Hulk over cookies!

Then again, who among you has not ever had a strange dream imbued with erotic energy? Unlike many, I’ll share about mine. Found it as amusing as well as disturbing. Felt embarrassing for sure. Confusing dream. Big ass Taurus pecker. Cookie-crazed Hulk! Naked old woman on a ragged old rug. A large, ancient stone temple set indoors within a space age structure similar to a huge hangar for spaceships. Woke up feeling foggy and confused. Wanted to go back to sleep. Work beckoned. OK, time to go.


William Dudley Bass
Monday 2 August 2021
Monday 5 September 2022
Seattle, Washington


Copyright © 2021, 2022 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved by the Author & his Descendants until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship over and for our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.



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