Between Snotrockets in April

Text chat with my old friend Kurt Snotrockets after fist bumping Young Mister Snotrockets out in the Street

The following occurred in the City of Seattle on Monday the 18th of  April 2022:

Kurt: Hey, Sir William! Still blowing snot after a cold. Life is good.

Me: Dude! That’s nasty! LOL

Aye, I fistbumped a strung out young druggie with enormous snot rockets reaching down thru his red moustache & beard at the bus stop last week who was posturing around like a ruff & tuff gorilla wearing only red & black plaid pajamas with dingy Superman pants pulled up over them & a gray T-shirt and it was cold as Charles Dickens with the threat of snow flurries in the air. Then when I looked the scary guy in the eyes above his snot rockets, I glimpsed sadness & bafflement & fear in his soul. Or were his eyes mirroring mine? Continue reading