Taiwan can only secede from itself

Few seem to realize the only government Taiwan can secede from is itself, the Republic of China. The new US-Sino Taiwan Straight Crisis is rooted in misperceptions of history and anchored in anger, shame, and fear. The irony is the Republic of China, currently ruling only Taiwan and a few nearby islands, has existed since 1912 after the Chinese Revolution of 1911, long before the Chinese Communist Party declared the People’s Republic of China in 1949 during the civil war. The ROC had retreated to Taiwan and neighboring islands, was a semifascist military dictatorship under the Kuomintang, but only became a democracy in fairly recent years. The ROC’s transition from autocracy to democracy on Taiwan took place across the 1980s and 90s.

If Taiwan were to actually declare independence, ironically, it would be from itself, the ROC, not the PRC as the latter has never governed Taiwan. As the Republic of China has existed long before the People’s Republic of China, then it boggles the mind the PRC views the ROC as a “breakaway province” of the PRC. Each government still considers itself The One China. Perhaps it’s time to retire such an anachronistic mindset, altho the ultranationalistic on all sides froth with madness over such a progressive and liberating shift of perspective.

Like it or not, Taiwan is already its own country as the ROC. It is not and never was a province of the PRC. It is not an imperial outpost of the old Japanese or British empires. It was taken back from the Japanese by the ROC Kuomintang Party at the end of the Second World War. Taiwan was never governed or administered in any way by the CCP before and after the Communists declared their People’s Republic in 1949 as the civil war ended. Taiwan and it’s neighboring islands elect and run their own ROC government, collect taxes, maintain diplomatic relations, maintain complex business relationships abroad, operates its own military and intelligence forces, and acts upon the world stage as a small but robust middle power. Taiwan therefore has no need whatsoever to declare independence as it already exists as its own country. It flourishes under the national government of the Republic of China, a regime in existence for decades before the PRC. The country even transitioned from a brutalist military dictatorship into a constitutional democracy with a robust capitalist economy. It could, however, raise a bloody ruckus by changing its name and retiring the ROC label to better reflect geopolitical reality. Continue reading