Experiencing Pete

Well, for starters, the farewell tribute to Pete at our company Winter Holiday Party made me cry. I couldn’t stop crying either, darn it. About a quiet and humble but fierce man of fish and shoes. No, no jokes about walking in the shoes of the fisherman. The slideshow was especially wonderful. I felt moved to see all those changes in the life of a man and his family. And seeing pictures of his younger daughter, whom as an adult worked for a time at the same place her dad and I did, seeing her as this li’l bitty ol’ thang out in the woods by the river moved me, too. Then more pics of her growing up long hair and all was fun to see as most of us know her as one with very short hair. I felt both sad and happy as I was reminded of the many changes my own daughters went thru as they grew up into young adults. Plus, alas, even a little sad for myself as I head out of my middle age years into whatever comes next. 

Yes, this slide show was as evocative as it was inspiring. Aye, kudos to those who worked to put it together! After all this was about an Inspired Guide who steered his family thru the ups and downs of living life all out with the sorrows and joys of lives fully lived. The slide show wasn’t just about Pete, tho. Heck, it wasn’t even about fish! Instead it was about all of us sharing our common essence as human beings. We all resonated with his story as we remembered our own stories. Continue reading