“Where are all the weapons?” asked an Incel Joker in the Store

Paranoia, revenge, & murder as fantasies in the mind being acted out wherever all the world’s a batshit crazy stage

“Where are all the weapons here?” Squirrelly Clown Dude asked me in a British accent. Like he came to America for the damn weapons. His CO2 gun with a big, plasticky pistol grip still shoots even tho it is not a “real” firearm but a sophisticated “toy.” The barrel looked primarily red and blue with an accent of white. 

This crap all started when a murderous, clown-brained incel dressed himself as the Joker, a fictional comic book character, and shot up a Batman movie in Aurora, Colorado back in July of 2012. The guy was a mass murderer idolized and revered by the incel movement. “Incel” is codeturd for “Involuntarily Celibate.” These are mostly men who view themselves as physically unattractive, even ugly, are often broke, and many of whom seem addicted to porn. Incels feel they have some degree of divine right to get laid and laid by beautiful women.

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