Siri says, “Suck my titties!”

Apple’s Siri tells a schoolteacher in a classroom full of young Deaf children to, “Suck my Titties!” LOL!

Once upon a time before the Covid Pandemic struck, a Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing teacher brought her new iPhone to work. She was so PROUD of her new iPhone. The mobile device was a sophisticated piece of technology she regarded with amazement. Twas nearly magical! Her iPhone integrated well with the other tools Deaf and HOH people require to function at a higher level in our complex society. Oh, she was SO proud of her new tool-toy! Or is toy-tool a better description? Depends on the desired function at time of use! For one thing she used her iPhone to FaceTime Hearing people and read their lips and facial expressions. She could also sign in ASL with others who communicated in sign language as well.

This woman taught at a prestigious and world renowned school for Deaf children in the Southeastern United States. She’s a person whose politics skew quite a bit to left of center, but her personal values and lifestyle are rooted in traditional conservatism. Fascinating, brilliant human being with a riveting life stories, and she made me promise not to reveal her name and the name and location of the school she taught at on the day of the incident.

The teacher propped up her iPhone on a desk at the front of the class and asked Siri a question. Siri is the artificial intelligence programmed into Apple products with a feminine voice to algorithmically respond to human inquiries, commands, and requests. Siri was ready to go.

Teacher asks question.

“Suck my titties!” Siri responds. Continue reading