The Fury of Fury

A troublesome film goes incandescent

Recently finished watching Fury. It is a strong, visceral, powerful film in its realistic depiction of combat and the horrors of war. To watch it on a tiny little screen while bouncing around in an airplane would be a grave disservice. Glad I was able to watch it on a large screen Smart TV. It’s so intense I had to stop halfway thru it last night. Glad I came back to finish it, too, as, wow, felt mesmerized, even garbled by the chaos of war. One really must be in the right frame of mind to watch this movie set at the end of the war when the Germans were sending out everyone inc little boys & girls & the elderly to fanatically defend their Fatherland from the Allied invasions…& the Nazis killed their own if they wouldn’t fight. The Germans devastated American and Allied tanks. My goodness, what we humans put ourselves and our world thru as a species. Continue reading