The Anti-Woke Need to Wake Up

If you’re not woke, then you’re asleep. Time to wake up!

Those who harshly criticize and condemn Woke folks and Woke culture live in dreamy, self-righteous fantasies of Far Right hatred and bigotry with murderous intolerance of everything else. Many are well-organized and armed. They behave as a cult, and cults of any kind bring out fanaticism and stupidity.

Religious cults, political cults, personality cults, ethnic-based socio-cultural cults, sports cults, social media cults, hey, whatever, it doesn’t matter. Cults are cults, humans are humans, and the desire to belong to the point one surrenders their personal sovereignty makes them puppets for any string jerker on a power trip. Cult followers and their leaders may or may not be charismatic, but they are all wacko weird and hungry for the promises of whatever belief system they made up in their own minds and collapsed with “truth.” They’re anxious about losing whatever status and power they believe they have left. Cultists are quick to demonize anyone and everyone outside their belief system. They fail to tolerate dissent or even mere disagreement. They fail to tolerate criticism and seem unable to abide by rapid changes in the status quo. They fail to understand distinctions between criticism and betrayal. Continue reading