Before you jump into a Time Machine…

Often overlooked problems of time travel to consider before you go

Hey, before you dash off and jump into the shiny, new time machine parked over there enticing you with fantasies of seeing dinosaurs and solving major historical mysteries, consider a few possibilities. Much was written in recent weeks in regards to possibly the most dangerous place in Earth’s history, the Kem Kem beds of the prehistoric Sahara rain forest. A concentration of dinosaur superpredators lived there some 100 million years ago or so during the Cretaceous Period where they clustered around waters rich in gigantic fish. Those dinosaurs inhabited and dominated three domains: land, air, and aquatic/marine. Apparently there was so much prey these carnivores didn’t waste vital energy eating each other.

A frequent observation of the palaeontologists and those who wrote of their discoveries is any time travelers visiting the Cretaceous Kem Kem beds wouldn’t last long. They would die quickly. Packs of dinosaurs wielding giant jaws spiked with huge, sharp teeth would converge on our time travelers within moments and devour them. So, yes, before you zip away anywhere in any time machine, consider a variety of safeguards. OK?

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