Nikki Haley and Racism in the American Country

Yes, slavery caused the Civil War. Remember the Race Wars that followed. Remember the genocide of Indigenous Americans. Learn the truth.

Nikki Haley blew it with her clumsy responses to questions from her audience regarding the causes of the American Civil War and whether or not the United States is a racist nation. She bungled this during a campaign rally in New Hampshire in late December 2023. Found this sad and disturbing. Why? Because I like Nikki Haley even tho I disagree with her on a number of domestic policy and social justice issues. I won’t waste my vote as a protest in favor of a third party candidate. President Joe Biden is too timid and wobbly when it comes to national security and waging war. He did a great job up to his shameful abandonment of Afghanistan to the Taliban. Biden was nearly FDRian during his first year and a half as POTUS in the manner he pulled the nation out of the chaotic near-collapse the Usurper Trump had pulled America down into. 

Now the tribulations of being elderly have caught up to him. It’s painfully obvious, embarrassing, and dangerous. The vice president who once elevated his ticket as a candidate is equally painfully way in over her head a la the Peter Principle. Kamala Harris is now a burden. Nikki Haley, however, is razor sharp, blazingly brilliant, witty, and surgically precise. She can be folksy and wonky and a spitfire all at the same time. This South Carolinian daughter of Sikh Indian immigrants is fierce, combative, and courageous. She’s accomplished as a former two-term governor and UN ambassador. Yes, she’s too conservative for me on many domestic issues. She’s anti-woke but not asleep, a rare combination these days. She failed and continues to fail to call out Donald Trump for what he truly is: a fascist, racist, misogynistic, bigoted, bullying usurper and traitor. She even vowed to support Trump in the first Republican debate back in 2023 even tho she derides him for his chaos and even tho Trump refuses to debate. Haley may be moving towards revoking her past promise to support Trump if he’s the GOP nominee as she currently escalates her criticism of the Usurper as chaotic and incompetent. In her surprise cold opening on a recent Saturday Night Live episode in early February of this year, Haley roasted Trump as a buffoon. She challenged the goofy loser, portrayed by Nashville native, actor, and comedian James Austin Johnson, to a mental competency test. Trump, or rather the man behaving as Trump, flubbed it in the silly skit designed to drive the Red Maggots mad. Continue reading