Fighting on the Drama Triangle: Rights and Responsibilities

Names & circumstances were changed to protect privacy and to better illustrate points of view

“She’s a grown ass woman!” Myriam declared as she described the behavior of her sister Rosie and shook her head in resignation and sadness. “She’s old enough to do whatever she wants to regardless of what the rest of us think. She has the right to do as she please, and so she does.”

Oh, lord’n’lady, yo, I’m beginning to wonder if Rosie might be better off named RoZilla? Is she a bit like Godzilla? No? Alas, that would be cruel, wouldn’t it? So let’s stop the name calling even if in jest. 

Opposite of narcissism and psychopathy. To feel empathy for others. Compassion for one another. To have the courage to look another in the eye, or, if one or both has a face empty of eyes, bore straight ahead anyway and forgive one another and each other. To forgive one’s self. Choosing to love the essence of another’s humanity even when is otherwise consumed by fear and hatred. Choosing to love the same in one’s self in spite of one’s own loathing.

After listening to Myriam awhile, I felt deep truth rising up to take a stand. “Yes, Rosie does have such rights. And those rights must be balanced with accountability,” I declared. Her rights must be tempered with her own self-responsibility.

Ultimately, Rosie has responsibilities deeper than the right to act out her urges of the moment. Yes? Must she be held accountable for the impact of her actions upon others? Must she hold herself responsible for the effects of her behavior upon not only others who love her but also on her own self? Continue reading