“If not drunk in love, then why be in love?”

“If not drunk in love, then why be in love?”

You asked.

I shall whisper an answer into thy eyes here.

Love is the most powerful energy in the universe.
I dance intoxicated with glass after glass of such red, red love.
How miraculous is this power of the heart!

Only presence of mind is as powerful.
Silent, awake, aware, intentional, and conscious.
Such stillness of mind directs the flow and dance of love.

Indeed, such presence of mind sustains the heart’s love
long after the energy ebbs and flows.

Love is a choice.
As energy one can choose to turn it on.
Or off.
Choose love.
As you first chose your self.

True Love is Deep Love.
Deep Love is deeper than anyone’s emotions, feelings, and thoughts.
For all our emotions and feelings and thoughts
rise and fall as solar flares back into the Sun.

All of our emotions and feelings and thoughts
are fickle and change with the spin of leaves in the wind.
Feelings and thoughts rise with emotions as bubbles from the mud
to float downstream as fallen leaves upon the river.

Deep Love loves even when one does not feel anything
as long as one chooses to love.
One can choose to generate any feeling at any time
from one’s heart and mind.
It is a Practice to practice.

Deep Love is choosing to love without conditions.
Deep Love is love without conditions.
Deep Love is love free from limitations.
Deep Love is … love.

One can love anyone and one can love everyone far more deeply if
one chooses to love no matter how terrible the circumstances.

One does not have to like someone to love them.
One does not have to know someone’s story or past to love them.

One does not have to be of the same gender
or the same ethnicity or nationality to love another.

One does not have to follow the same religion to love each other.

Two don’t even have to be close together in age
to deeply love one another and share life.

One doesn’t even have to know their name to love them.
We don’t even need to know how to speak each other’s names
To recognize and love each other.
Sometimes the heart sings the loudest in silence.

So many things divide us:
religion, gender, ethnicity, age, language, culture,
politics, sex, nationality, money, health, and so forth.

Only two things brings us back together as One
As one with our selves
As one with one another
As one with God and one with Goddess
As one with the Divine
As one with One
As One
And those two things are
Love and Presence.

Why not be drunk with love
Instead of lost in a world of hate?

Better yet,

What stops you from loving?
What stops anyone from loving anyone else?

Choose love, be present, and dance in the stillness
with one’s beating heart beating with another
thru all of life’s joys and sorrows

Risk death?
With love
one risks life.
one risks life.
Indeed, for one present to love
one transcends life and death

Every day seems more of the same
Until the unexpected overturns all calendars and schedules,
upends all plans & expectations.
It’s in these moments we come alive.
Or die.

Hello so far away over there, you.
Hey, I love you.
I love you.
Yes, I do.

I love you.


William Dudley Bass
Tuesday – Thursday 21 – 23 July 2015
Sunday 25 October 2015
Seattle, Washington


Copyright © 2015, 2016 by William Dudley Bass.
All Rights Reserved until
We the People of Earth develop Wise Stewardship
Of and for our Earth and Solarian Commons.
Thank you.





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