I feel a dread coming…

Good Morning. I feel a dread coming. Happy New Year!

It’s a feeling, this dread, this existential, apocalyptic dread. Feel it coming round the mountain, I do. Feel it coming down the pike. It’s already loosened from our heads, this mighty dread.

I can’t help it. We live in an apocalypse of multiple, grinding, prolonged calamities. The weather turns gloomy one day, storms rage, and happy sunshine sparkles again. Then more darkness falls from skies heavy with silver and gray. The news cycles seemed trapped in their own circular inertia of addictive doom and gloom. Social media ricochets between apathy, denial, and toxic vitriol and self-righteous hatred. Facts and truths are buried under landslides of lies and illogical, insane, so-called conspiracy theories.

OMG look how many of these pro-Trump Far Right/Alt-Right QAnon people are obsessed with their belief the Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas, Hollywood celebrities, the Queen of England, and the Pope are all shape-shifting Lizard People who meet in the grungy dungeons of random pizza parlors to eat human slave children and worship Satan the Devil? And believe Trump is the Messiah on a White Horse who shall ride out to overthrow the “Deep State” with tens of thousands of White Hats and sealed indictments? Well, it doesn’t work like that, folks. Read your history. Know and understand our history. Learn what occurred, and learn what people believe to have occurred but actually didn’t happen. Study basic legal procedures. Hell, get your tangled-up conspiracy theories straight, especially as y’all are ruining and tarnishing the otherwise respectable efforts of serious scholars studying legitimate historical conspiracies.

There’s indeed a deep state of sorts, folks. Already has a name, too. It’s the National Security State. Been around officially since 1947. There’s also the military-industrial complex President Eisenhower warned us of in 1961. Before those two events occurred the so-called Bankers’ Coup of 1913 pulled off by backroom-and-smoky-cigars wheeling and dealing between Big Business tycoons, Big Bank “banksters,” and top politicians from both the Republicans and the Democrats. So, yes, this Deep State has been around a while and has morphed into a mutant cancer of hypercompartmentalized and alphabeticized entities too numerous to keep count of these days. It’s not, however, some monolithic, reptilian, Satanic cabal as the Trumplers imagine it to be, no, want it to be. 

Yes, I can’t help it. Perhaps the dreary winter weather’s messing with my moods and affecting my hormones. Yes, the news is filled with sadness, grief, rage, fear, pain, and terror, more than enough to swamp out the joy, the cheers, and the majesty of amazing good things also happening in our lives at the same time. Nevertheless, I feel a strange, existential dread coming on, and I do not like feeling this either. 


William Dudley Bass
Sunday 3 January 2021
Seattle, Washington


Copyright © 2021 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved by the Author & his Descendants until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship over and for our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.

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