Goofin’ around with Faithlyn on the First of July

Ramblin’ around the neighborhood being silly with my wife on a glorious summer evening back in 2024

William & Faithlyn, yeah, me & the Wife, laughing over by Shaq’s Big Chicken while we ramble around our neighorhood of Westminster Triangle and Highland Terrace, City of Shoreline, State of Washington. It’s a gorgeous summer evening just after 20:00 on the First of July 2024.

Earlier in the day, however, shortly after 14:00, I decided to cook hearty eggy-eggy Kodiak pancakes on whim & whimsy. Twas yummy, but then I burned the next coupla pancakes trying to get the temperature right on the electric stove for the cast iron skillet-grill thangy, and got a little smoky with the smell of burnt butter goo. Ewwwuh! Turned on all the fans & slid open the big glass doors. Faithlyn was not happy, especially as we were both home off work this day. Tried to get the stovetop temperature down low low low but lo, I succumbed to impatience, LOL

My sweetie walks over to the sign of where she works as a teacher.

Faithlyn stands next to the sign where she teaches. She’s proud of what she does and is good at it. One recent happy memory was inspiring the students to band together and scrub the sign clean. It had gotten a little grimy and mossy, and a vigorous cleaning brought the kids together as a team. They were proud of their results. And now it’s Summertime in the City, woo HOO! The time’s almost 19:07, 7:07 PM.


Kung Fu Chickens!
Looks like I’m being cooked up like a chicken, too! Heat waves elsewhere, but pretty darn nice here.

Well-fed on dead, cooked chickens & stuff at 20:03, woo HOO hooty HOO, yo!

Look what we found! A trailer as tiny as a pint of Ben & Jerry’s! It’s close to Big Chicken and to the iconic Central Market, recently renamed the Shoreline Town & Country Market.

Air Guitar! Aye, used to be a hella air guitar player waaay back in my high school & college dancing days, especially if listening to rock’n’roll guitars via opened doors of perception. But here, acting my age at 65, my air guitar is so DUSTY it’s RUSTY! Can’t even bend me ol’ fingers like I used to. Or rather, unbend them, LOL! Was inspired by the Vermont ice cream cow jamming on the guitar, of course. Grew up on a dairy farm in Virginia, remember! Well, my wife, who didn’t know me before we met four summers ago, was somewhat, um, amused, Lol…

Uh-oh. It broke. Need new strings. Neck’s cracked, too.

No problemo, play it anyway! Play it broken!

Yeah, pump up the calves! Rock it up & get down by the ol’ psychedelic ice cream truck! Way off in the Pacific Northwest far, far away from where we grew up. Hey, we’re having fun goofin’ round the town…

The Salish Sea is the heart of Cascadia. Snow melts from big mountains, rain falls from cloudy skies, creeks feed into rivers and lakes, and those waters flow out into Puget Sound and the greater Salish Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Life abounds. Despite the often abundant precipitation, the Governor of the State of Washington declared a Drought State of Emergency back on 16 April 2024. Overall the year has been dry following a low-snow winter and a small number of locally heavy rains. Droughts with megawildfires and smokestorms have become increasingly more common with global climate disruption. It’s normal to cycle between the Rainy Season and the Dry Season in the PNW, but climate change has made those oscillations more extreme. These concrete reproductions of seashore dwellers grace the foot-&-bike bridge over busy streets right next to where we abide within Westminster Triangle. 

William Dudley Bass
Thursday 11 July 2024 
Shoreline/Seattle, Washington


Copyright © 2024 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved by the Author & his Descendants until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship over and for our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.




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