When God sings it ain’t always pretty

Rediscovered this image of a rudimentary draft of a poem jotted down on the side of a brown paper bag in public then forgotten about. I hurriedly revised this weird dive into the messiness of life. Here it is.

When God sings
They don’t always sound sweet & pretty.
Sometimes such a song
Wakes us up
And stops our dancing.
When we stop to listen,
A lament of such deep sorrow
Rumbles up from the bowels of our planet
And vibrates loose the stars from Heaven.
Comets & moons, asteroids & planets collide,
And space dust skreeks across the void
In tangles of broken violins & cosmic rays
So violent the Kosmos wails.

We humans do not get the message.
Don’t even wanna know there is a message.
We have dropped The Key.
What we don’t understand is not all souls are
Automatically immortal.
What we don’t understand is spirituality is hard work.
What we fail to understand is God is NOT Love and never was.

We had it backwards, sort of.

Love is an attribute of the Divine.
One of many attributes,
Attributes such as The Most Gracious & The Most Merciful,
The Creator, The Destroyer, & The Avenger.
We fancy ourselves Deities,
As if each one of us is not a god or goddess but GOD.
We are but mere bio-organisms as anteaters are to ants,
Engineered to work hard for Kings & Titans from Beyond Earth
And live short & violent lives plowed apart by reckless lust
Before we could reengineer ourselves to live far longer lives
Rich in wisdom, love, liberty, cooperation, compassion, peace,
And responsibility…with courage.

Death laughed & danced when we dropped The Key.
Yet most matter is dark,
And spirit as consciousness expands as
It interpenetrates matter to fully fill Reality as All is One.
Allah transcends gender and straightens all paths.
Buddha gave us the tools to distinguish beliefs of mind from what is so.
Christ gave us salvation as we searched for Heaven.
Muhammad, peace be upon him, gave us surrender to God.
Shamans opened portals of the soul with the gifts of plants & fungi.
Priestesses shared the love & wilderness of the Goddess with us.
Tantrics taught how to harness roots, raise our power, &
Come together as two intertwined as one with the One.
The Master of the Key sparked controversy so we may
Resolve contradictions, transcend paradox, &
Dropped the Key so as to lighten ourselves for ascension.
After all, Osho gave us a seriously crazy ass cult & 23 or 56 or maybe
A hundred different and magnificent fucking ways to say, “fuck.”

Everyday living continues as those awake know
All shortcuts bypass those algorithms of reduction
To drop those in a hurry to ignore what is so into the nothingness
Between symbols & formulas where universes sheer aside
In liberation of creative chaos amid the yawning breath
Of all of space & time & consciousness amok with Love.

William Dudley Bass
Wednesday 9 May 2018
Edited Thursday 3 April 2019
SeaTac/Seattle, Washington

Copyright © 2018, 2019 by William Dudley Bass. All Rignts Reserved until we humans establish our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.

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