
Usually love seeing the flag of our Union, the USA. People who know me are often surprised by my patriotism, especially as I advocate human interdependence and a united democratic world republic. I do love my country. It is because of this I am not a nationalist and am all too aware of its history of invasion, conquest, slavery, genocide, corporacratic predatory capitalism, environmental destruction, the ongoing coverup of UFOs & NHIs, and an out-of-site-out-of-mind prison system rank with rampant abuse. My love of country engenders my love of our Planet Earth and of our Solarian Star System. My love of country empowers me to harshly criticize unethical and criminal actions done by those in power and by those out of power who don’t care. One must balance our individual liberties with our social responsibilities in a never-ending dance, and as long as we can dance and debate without violence, we’ll be OK.

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