
The Northerners who fought for the Union during the Civil War got it right: what the Southern states engaged in was rebellion, a great rebellion that nearly shattered the United States into weak fragments. As a Southerner who relocated to the Northwest, I grew up with the Civil War being labeled the War between the States caused by Federal infringement on States Rights. Thing is, the only states right in question was the right of humans to own other humans as chattel slaves based upon obsolete, unscientific Euro-American White notions of race. Those who fought for or otherwise supported the Southern Confederacy were traitors to the United States of America and its constitutional democratic republic. Many Southerners opposed secession, many opposed slavery, and some even fought for the Union. Some in the North fought for the Confederacy as well. Those in the Border States fought each other as neighbors shot neighbors and burned their homes and farms. The Civil War also rippled over into Native American tribes and into Black Americans themselves. It was a ferocious and bloody civil war, and these Northern troops fought on the right side of History.

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