
BAM! Morgan, in a hurry to go find the restroom, runs into the, to her, invisible glass door. Her knee cracks the glass into a spider’s web of cracks. We are amazed! And she is in pain. The shopkeeper, however, is FREAKING OUT! He is an immigrant, a person of color, and is afraid we are going to sue him for damages, so he tells us not to worry about anything. Morgan claims she’s fine, just a little bit sore. So we tell him not to worry, just where are the restrooms, please? We had stopped to refuel the car with gasoline at a little gas station advertising itself as a donut, ice cream, & soda shop. We were all just as startled as Morgan and the shopkeeper were. Brought back memories of me crashing thru a glass door as a little boy racing thru the farmhouse back in Virginia and broken glass was scattered everywhere. Morgan’s knee didn’t seem to bother her much on this trip, but it would trouble her from time to time later on in life.

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