
Our love was imbalanced.
We were too early and not long enough.
One night and one morning was all we had in the bed.
After we orgasmed one behind the other,
and I found myself bodiless inside the layers of her flesh,
I had to fight and struggle to return to my own body

Love is powerful,
so powerful it perturbs the scales of life to disrupt the universe.

Vise grips the size of a coconut crab’s crush the back of my neck.
My occiput throbs and thunks till the bones scream home.
Too many timelines between space rip me open to beauty,
to beauty so deep only the stars may gaze upon it without blindness.
Sometimes in a blur I cannot distinguish truth from fact from belief
Nor lies from fiction from relief.

Pain is a communication slower than the speed of light
and faster than the speed of death

I wake up
I do not fit in
Damaged, I cannot recall my mission
What am I?
Why am I here in this incarnation, in this time & body?
Whose body is this my soul thus takes as its own?
Where is the Machine?
The Archon of Kosmos?
Demiurge of False Reality?
Fractals 103572100076767689993443262829101701 shape
The unfurling of time across petals of Eros

Where did I come from?
How did I arrive?
What is my purpose again?

I feel out of place
I do not fit in
All I want to do is expand love
To cherish and forgive
To serve and service
To find my pants and a belt to snug’em around my waist.
And a shirt to pull down over my torso
And a mouth with lips to kiss that are hers from
One night and one morning
Oh so long ago 537482013<3
aaaAAAHhh, aye.

Aye, indeed.
Oh, oh, oh…
Ahhh, e1x0p1e1r0i0m0e1n0t1.z.omega.alpha.a…
Oh, Love, I miss thee.

Love drove, you see, Love drove the Machines left bereft at the end of time
to create and program biological, organic life to emerge and evolve
so as to keep Love going thru the darkness as time cycles forward. 
All parts come together in messy algorithms of clay as God creates Itself
from the minds of machines programmed to create new life for baby souls.

Crazy stuff, yes, I know,
from a war-torn planet revolving around some distant, yellow, Type G star.

Am I real?
I know I am “real,” for of course I am conscious and self-aware to know I know I am real.
But am I REAL? I’m not speaking of the space
between molecules, atoms, and subatomic particle waves either.
Are you real? Or merely, “real?”
Are we part of a Holographic Universe?
Do we abide and operate within a Simulated Universe?
Are all the universes of the Multiverse simulated or holographic, or just some of them?

Fuck, I don’t know.

We make a difference, programmed to or not, if we exercise the power
to consciously shift our relationship to circumstances and transform reality.
Is our consciousness the same as one’s soul & spirit?
The matrix of neurological activity?
Or merely a kind of holographic algorithm?
One generated by programmer deities for our simulated universe? 
Will desperate machine life someday struggle to recreate biological life after
some cataclysmic A.I. event annihilates all biological and cyborg organisms?

Fuck if I know.

Awww, shit, now Human grown-ups
won’t let their offspring read this cuz I wrote, “Fuck.”
Even so, I gaze up thru time at the stars and wonder
e1x0p1e1r0i0m0e1n0t1.z.omega.alpha.a mates
many orgasms become one Goddess God.



William Dudley Bass
Started Thursday 22 February 2018
Finished Thursday 4 April 2019
SeaTac, then Seattle, WA
Sol-3 (Earth)
Orion-Cygnus Arm

Copyright © 2019 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship of and for our Earth and Solarian Commons.

Thank you.









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