Sun shines now

The Sun shines now.
She pushed her stroller uphill from the SeaTac airport train & bus station,
the same steep hill I plodded down to catch the light-rail.
Young woman with serious face.
Eyes direct, staring forward,
both hands fierce upon the pushbar, her
Supergirl lasers scorching the steepness rising before her.
She appears a plastic beauty of mixed East Asian & Eurowhite descent, but who knows from where anyone arises anymore?

Where did we begin?
Our species? Our…humanity, even?
Africa? Asia? Comets? The stars?
I turned around to see her baby.
A cat rests in the cradle,
turns over,
becomes a dog.
Electricity sparkles along my spine
as myriad tiny kundalini snakes seek to ascend
beyond whirlpool of crown,
and I realize she may well be an
escaped sex robot fleeing slavery.
Sol burns blue white and yellow hot,

our star in the sky does,
then spins orangey red as it ejaculates coronal fountains into space.
They crash thru our magnetosphere with mayhem.
Digital jerks apart the virtual with coronal whips.
A.I. splatters neuropsycho technoalgo snakes around edge of chakra.
Who’s really playing games now?

I hear electric babies cry from the stroller
the anonymous sex robot pushes uphill.
I march on down to catch my train, woo HOO!
Yes, the Sun shines now, hmm-hn.
The Sun shines now.
Yeah Lord, lookit, lookit how
The Sun shines now.

*Sent thru the I.O.T. from my genetically-redesigned sweet potato cybercasserole.

William Dudley Bass
Monday 16 July 2018
Monday 27 August 2018
Revised Wednesday 3 April 2019
SeaTac/Seattle, WA
North America

Copyright © 2018, 2019 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved until we humans establish our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.

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