William & Faithlyn’s Wedding

Shoreline/Seattle, Washington

Wednesday 26 July 2023

A snapshot of our journeys from Virginia and Jamaica to other places and eventually Washington where we became engaged and eventually married. Ours was a pandemic romance that occurred quite by happenstance and twists of fate. Our partnership and marriage became our destiny. Faithlyn created the video with Final Cut Pro from many fotos and videos by and from us, family, and friends. We had to cut so much out! Frank Sanborn, the wedding photographer, provided his services without charge. Enjoy!


William Dudley Bass & Faithlyn Ann Robinson Bass
Sunday 30 July 2023
Shoreline/Seattle, Washington


Copyright © 2023 by William Dudley Bass and Faithlyn Ann Robinson Bass. All Rights Reserved by the Author, his Descendants, and his Wife Faithlyn until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship over and for our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.

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