Feedback Letter to “Giggles” regarding News Feed

Feedback note to Google in response to certain types of articles appearing in my news feed of the Google browser app on my smartfone

Hi! I appreciate most of the articles you place here for my perusal. If, however, the article’s publisher demands I provide an email address or subscribe before letting me read further, then to hell with their greedy asses! I’ve not any time for such capitalist pennysnatchery.

Secondly, if an article I’m fascinated with becomes so blobbed over by a flood of random, pop-up advertising blisters as if the website had died from the plague, then I am not at all remotely interested in continuing.

So many people so loath the torpid flood of banal popups I seriously wonder how in the world these companies expect to generate sustainable revenue? They just antagonize us the public. Away with them, please.

The rest of us already spend a lot on equipment, services, infrastructure, electricity, etc., to pay any further for content splattered with advertising. It’s utter, rank b.s., & you know it, too. This ridiculous desperation is a dying gasp of the currently ailing capitalist system & must be expunged from the solar system. 

Thank you!
William Bass
Emailed Tuesday 6 August 2019
Posted here Friday 9 August 2019
Seattle, Washington


Copyright © 2019 by William Dudley Bass. All Rights Reserved by the Author & his Descendants until we Humans establish Wise Stewardship of and for our Earth and Solarian Commons. Thank you.

2 thoughts on “Feedback Letter to “Giggles” regarding News Feed

    • Harry, thank you for your perusals here. Yes, I use the words “thru” and “thruout” instead of their archaic spellings. “Thruhike” is yet another version commonly preferred. English is a remarkable language for its capacity to stretch, evolve, and to be globally inclusive. Spellcheck programs, unfortunately, tend to tackle everything perceived as erroneous. Many of us creative writers, including myself, prefer to deliberately misspell words from time to time as well as coin new ones. I’ll continue my usage of novel spellings of the archaic “through” and celebrate thru’s growing acceptance, thanks. All the Best to you regardless!

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